- Volt Switch If you don't have a friend to team up with, the opposite gender Hero will team up with you. Subway Boss Ingo challenges the player at battle 21. Me and my friend are taking on the battle subway … - Flash Cannon The only exception is on the Multi Line, where both you and your partner may give one of their Pokemon the same hold item. Each challenger is allowed two Pokemon. The number of losses it takes to drop a rank are: Note that the player may only challenge a particular train of a given rank once a day. Deswegen ordnen wir eine möglichst große Vielzahl an Faktoren in die Bewertung mit ein. - Rock Slide Now Playing. Only Stats and Levels will increase. CPU prefers using a multi-target attack in a double battle if their partner is immune to it (e.g. The Battle Subway has 8 lines, 7 are with specific battle circumstances and all of those require you to beat seven trainers in a row for Battle points. EVs: Atk / Def If the player completes a set of 7 Trainers their rank increases. This leads to some interesting happenings, such as an Effect Spore Breloom holding a Toxic Orb. Single trains allow you to choose three Pokemon. Once you enter the Battle Subway, you can participate in Singles, Super Singles, Doubles, Super Doubles, Multi, Super Multi, and of course, Wifi. They tend to use it more often if a Pokemon has been Taunted. Don't let the regular lines lull you into a false sense of confidence; the true test of your abilities lies on the Subway's Super Lines. The IVs of Subway Pokemon, however, vary depending on the current set being challenged. Instead, you battle lines of trainers with select Pokemon to earn Battle Points (BP). See the Battle Subway Pokemon chart to see the actual set of the Pokemon used by Hilbert and Hilda. Sadly, this guide will not be focusing on Wifi, and will be focusing only on Singles, and Doubles. You are also given the option of continuing to the next match or quitting. Continue triggers the next battle in the series. Check BulbaNewsNOW for up-to-date Pokémon news and discuss it on the forums or in the Bulbagarden Discord server. By using our site you agree to our privacy policy. Most of the Pokemon in Regular Battles are unevolved or only once evolved. EVs: SpA / Spe After 105 straight victories a Trainer will give the player a Lansat Berry. Depending on the subway, you will choose 2, 3, or 4 Pokemon to use in seven battles. This is a change from past generations in which Pokemon above level 50 would be scaled down, but those below would not be scaled up. Werster 11,102 views. This allows you to outmaneuver opponents that may have an edge on you in regards to the Pokemon they're using. - Dragon Claw There are three battle modes: single, double and multi-battles. Also note that different forms of a Pokemon (i.e. After a set amount of battles in each Subway, you must fight the Subway Boss. When teaming up with Hilbert or Hilda, you will be asked what type of team style you want them to use: offensive, defensive, or balanced. The Double Line allows the player to select 4 Pokemon to battle NPC opponents in a doubles format. The Battle Subway bears much resemblance to Battle Towers in previous versions in that there is a centralised battle location which offers different battling options such as single, double, multiplayer, etc., as opposed to the Battle Frontier which has various twists on the regular battle rules. Defeating them earns the player a trophy for that particular line that is displayed in their room. Rather than focusing on obtaining a long winning streak, this line consists of 10 ranks. In multi-battles players can team up with a friend wireless connection or with an in-game character (which is the opposite gender of your player, either Hilda or Hilbert). Subway Bosses Emmet and Ingo team up to take on the players at battle 21. - Protect The normal lines of the Battle Subway are available once the player has reached Nimbasa City, but the super lines, where the real challenge lies, are unreachable until after the National Pokedex is obtained. The player can chat with NPCs on the platform, some of which hand out items (detailed later). Two Pokemon are selected in Multi-Battles, three Pokemon are selected in Single Battles, and four Pokemon are selected in Double Battles. - Dragon Dance Jolly Nature They sometimes, however, seem to "predict" when they will go below half health when their Pokemon is slower than yours. EVs: Hp / SpA OK Call of Duty: Modern Warfare & Warzone 2021 - Wiki Guide . This also means that you must be aware of Pokemon that may have abilities that hinder your team (Water Absorb, Dry Skin, and Storm Drain for rain-based teams, for example) and scout or plan for them accordingly. Guides. However, losing too many times before beating the 7 Trainers causes their rank to drop. However, given that the two Trainers may specialize in different types of Pokemon, they could also use opposing strategies (two different types of weather, Trick Room with fast Pokemon, etc). as Jessie and James began the next phase of their mission. Each player will choose two Pokemon, and all battles will be Double Battles. Even when down to their last Pokemon, the CPU takes the existence of their last partner into account. Intro and Gameplay. - Dragon Dance After 21 straight victories the Janitor or Artist will give the player a PP Up. - Focus Blast This article is designed to help new Battle Subway … Have one member of your squad ready at the escape hatch, and hide near the entrance. Like the Double Line, the Super Double Line allows the player to select 4 Pokemon to challenge NPC opponents in a doubles format. - Shift Gear After 203 straight victories a Trainer will give the player a Starf Berry. The Battle Subway is designed for you to take your Pokémon, and win as much as possible. Modest Nature Note that returning to Nimbasa City at the end of a set does not reset the player's winning streak—the player can return later to continue their challenge. Their Pokemon consist mostly of not fully evolved Pokemon (NFEs) and Pokemon with lower than average base stat totals (BSTs). There are seven different types of battle subways, and one regular subway. Review Collapse All. In all of the battle modes, each Pokémon the player faces is Level 50. When you see the other squad move into the station, attack them from behind, while the buddy at the hatch … Bei uns findest du eine große Auswahl von Subway surfers online verglichen und hierbei die relevantesten Merkmale verglichen. The amount of BP awarded for winning streaks for these lines is as follows: Even after you topple the Subway Boss(es) on a particular regular line, you are free to challenge that line as much as you would like. CPU does not recognize Storm Drain or Dry Skin; they will continue to use Water attacks if it would normally be their strongest move against the Pokemon. They continued their mission in Purrloin: Sweet or Sneaky?, Beheeyem, Duosion, and the Dream Thief!, and Beartic Mountain Feud!. This includes both players partaking in the Multi Line. - Earthquake Adamant Nature Although it is difficult to predict precisely what a Battle Subway opponent will do during any given turn, they do follow some general attack patterns. Images; Videos; Board; Battle subway team? Depending on the subway, you will choose 2, 3, or 4 Pokemon to use in seven battles. They may use it to KO your Pokemon if none of their other attacks can or if it's their only attack. They will, however, use them at the expense of a partner if it can KO one of your Pokemon. Pokemon must hold unique items—no two Pokemon can hold the same item. The player travels on a subway, moving from car to car as they defeat CPU opponents. - Discharge These Trainers may employ double battle strategies (moves that hit both opponents, Water move + Storm Drain, etc). Items cannot be used in battle, but Hold Items will be allowed. - Dragon Tail Battle Subway. EVs: Atk / Spe All battles will be Double Battles. There is one Trainer pe… Maps. Turning off the power or encountering a communication error (Multi and Wi-Fi lines) anytime during a set results in a termination of the current challenge and an end to the current winning streak. Hereis a link to the Speed tiers in the subway, courtesy of fluffyflyingpig. - Rock Slide - Iron Head Regular Battles are easier than Super Battles. 3:53. Eelektross @ Magnet However, these CPU opponents do not use traditional subway Pokemon, but rather teams used by other human players who have conquered that particular train and chose to upload their winning roster. Be prepared to face weather and Trick Room teams. Modest Nature - Poison Jab This Subway has you play through and battle trainers just like the Battle Tower. - Flail, Klinklang @ Occa Berry On these lines you will face 3 sets of 7 Trainers each. - Thunderbolt Neither the NPC nor the player are allowed to enter the following Pokemon: The Gear Station contains 8 different subway lines, each marked with a distinct color. - Shadow Ball Defeating him marks the end of the Double Line. The normal lines of the Battle Subway are available once the player has reached Nimbasa City, but the super lines, where the real challenge lies, are unreachable until after the National Pokedex is obtained. CPU will not continue to use a boosting move if one of the stats being boosted is already maxed. Note that they are not banned, so players can freely enter any of these Pokemon. Double trains allow you to choose four Pokemon. All Pokemon submitted must be a unique species. If your Pokemon are above or below Level 50, they will be automatically adjusted to that level. - Earthquake, Chandelure @ White Herb While this removes the need to train your Subway Pokemon to at least level 50, it also prevents some previously successful strategies from working (i.e. This works exactly like it does in the games before it, the more trainers you battle, the higher your streak, the more battle points you receive and the harder the battles become. Die Redaktion hat im ausführlichen Subway surfers online Vergleich uns die besten Artikel angeschaut und alle nötigen Informationen recherchiert. Given the lower difficulty of regular lines, this is an effective way for newer players to accumulate BP, allowing them to purchase powerful items that will give them an edge on the super lines. Klinklang @ Occa Berry This article is designed to help new Battle Subway players learn about the underlying mechanics and basic strategies of the facility, while also providing returning players with the subtle details of the subway and links to useful subway data. The lady behind the counter (right attendant) offers: The man behind the counter (left attendant) offers: Additionally, the following NPCs you meet on specific platforms along any of the Super Lines will give you an item: In Black 2 and White 2 both the list of purchasable items and cost of many items have changed. EVs: Atk / Def / SpD Adamant Nature Each subway line conducts a different style of battle. Super Line opponents trade in their NFEs (well, except for Porygon2) and generally weak Pokemon for fully evolved ones sporting impressive BSTs. Modest Nature Trophies. Below is a list of fully evolved Pokemon that are not used by Battle Subway trainers. Top; Double XP; Warzone; WZ Weapon; WZ Loadout; S6 Battle … EVs: Atk / Spe The Battle Subway is the fifth generation installment of the Battle Tower from prior generations. If your Pokemon uses a one-time use hold item in battle, it will be restored in the next battle. - Focus Blast Also note that if both of your Pokemon faint while your partner still has their two, your partner cannot send their second Pokemon into battle—they continue to fight alone. - Aerial Ace, Eelektross @ Magnet Zu guter Letzt konnte sich beim Subway surfers online Test der Testsieger durchsetzen. Das Team testet diverse Faktoren und geben dem Kandidat am Ende eine entscheidene Testnote. Questions. Also note that this list does not include banned Pokemon, listed earlier. - Will-O-Wisp. Recorder; this key item also shows the player's current and best winning streaks in the subway. Adamant Nature CPU tends to only use recovery moves when they are below half health. When you access the Battle Subway, you enter into a massive circular station. Earn Battle Points through seven successive wins. We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. Jolly Nature In Regular Matches, you must win 21 matches. Talking to the subway conductor on either end of the platform allows the player to either continue their challenge or return to Nimbasa City. EVs: Atk / Spe How far can you make it? As such, the opponents on this line are also tag teams consisting of two NPCs. - Giga Impact, Garbodor @ Black Sludge using Will-O-Wisp to activate Flash Fire or Guts, using Surf to heal a partner with Water Absorb, using an Electric attack to activate Motor Drive, etc). Adamant Nature The Super Multi Line functions the same as the regular Multi Line. Videos Discuss. - X-Scissor - Dragon Claw EVs: HP / SpA When a Pokemon faints in Subway battles, the opponent's next Pokemon will be selected without allowing your team to switch to another Pokemon. EVs: HP / SpA Defeating them marks the end of the Multi Line. The Single Line allows the player to select a team of 3 Pokemon to challenge NPC Trainers in a singles battle format. To complete the regular lines you must first conquer 20 NPC Trainers and then take on Subway Boss Emmet, Ingo, or both, depending on the line challenged. - Venoshock Each rank (1-10) has 50 different trains that the player can battle on, each train housing 7 CPU opponents. - Volt Switch Anville Town's residents are famous for giving away items; one will even give away items depending on how many sets of seven Battle Subway battles the player has defeated that day. - Poison Jab Also, two of the same species will not be eligible, and no two Pokemon can have the same Hold Item. Pokemon are fully healed after each match. Excadrill @ Life Orb - Psychic There are a few restrictions on the team of Pokemon the player can select to use in a Battle Subway challenge: Furthermore, it is important to note that all Pokemon will be set to level 50, regardless of their actual level outside of the Subway. EVs: Atk / Spe - Protect - Wild Charge Starting with battle 28 you may encounter CPUs using legendary Pokemon. - Thunder Wave If you continue, you can select a new team of Pokemon for the next seven battles. Guides. The Gear Station is the building East of the Pokemon Center in Nimbasa City. This determines which Pokemon they use. - Gastro Acid, Haxorus @ Yache Berry In these games, the items available are as follows: All guides and strategy information are © 2004-2019 Smogon.com and its. CPU may switch if their Pokemon is locked into a move that does not deal damage (either immune or status move) due to a Choice item. - Dragon Tail, Archeops @ Sitrus Berry Here's a few CPU trends to be aware of: Subway Pokemon use all 510 EVs, regardless of the line challenged and the player's current winning streak. Pokemon must be distinct species—you cannot use a team containing two Pokemon of the same species. CPU avoids using multi-target moves in a double battle if it damages their partner. Another note on abilities: though each individual subway Pokemon has a set nature, EVs, item, and moveset, their abilities and gender are not fixed (unless, of course, they have only one ability or are genderless/one gender only). - Toxic. At battle 49, Subway Boss Ingo returns to challenge the player. - Thunderbolt Rest saves and exits the game while preserving the player's current winning streak—they must, however, resume their Battle Subway challenge the next time they turn on the game. Summary; Release Data; Game Credits; Also Playing; Collection Stats; Game Trivia; Guides; Q&A; Cheats; Saves; Reviews. Select a Subway to battle at. If the player wins all 7 battles in the set, they arrive at a platform and are awarded BP. At battle 49, Subway Boss Emmet returns to challenge the player. EVs: Atk / Spe Earthquake with a Flying-type partner), even if it's not particularly effective. In a similar manner to the Battle Towers of Johto, Hoenn & Sinnoh, Unova has its own battle system, the Battle Subway. - Thunder Wave. - Venoshock Both the player and their partner, however, may use the same hold item on one of their Pokemon. - Iron Head If they had a Tyranitar instead of a Gyarados, however, and their Tyranitar is KOed, they will still avoid using Earthquake. Saved battle videos can be watched using the Vs. Crustle @ Rocky Helmet CPU considers multi-hit moves based on the power of a single hit (e.g. From here, you battle on the various trains. Please read the Message from the Editor for more. Check out this guide about Season 6's subway train (Metro) system in Call of Duty Modern Warfare / Warzone! Jolly Nature From the door, walk counter clockwise to find each subway: Select a Subway to battle at. Unlike real battles, the Battle Subway does not reward you with Experience Points or Money. The Battle Points you earn in the Battle Subway can be spent at the Battle Point Store. Otherwise, they tend to be reluctant to use Sucker Punch. - Psychic - Discharge Know the station map, station locations, routes and directions, & more! CPU tends to avoid using moves that lower their stats unless it results in a KO or they are holding White Herb. No Pokemon used by NPC Trainers in the Battle Subway possess their Dream World ability, so don't worry about Magic Bounce Espeon or Speed Boost Blaziken ruining your fun. He/She will ask if they should focus on offense, defense, or have a balanced team. - Shadow Claw. Made for Nintendo DS, this game is a sequel to the fifth generation of Pokemon games, known as Pokemon Black & Pokemon White. - Cross Poison Following up on the original, this game introduces new Legendary Pokemon. All battles will be Single Battles. - X-Scissor Housed in Nimbasa City's Gear Station, the Battle Subway allows players to select a team of 2, 3, or 4 Pokemon (depending upon the subway line challenged, outlined later) to participate in sets of 7 battles against NPC trainers. - Protect - Rock Slide, Haxorus @ Yache Berry Retire exits the challenge, causing the player to lose their winning streak. Unlike the regular lines, the Super Lines never end. - Gastro Acid Introduction. - Giga Impact, Galvantula @ Scope Lens Battle Types. EVs: Atk / Spe - Toxic, Durant @ Occa Berry Keep in mind that while the battle mechanics are fundamentally identical to regular doubles format, you can only control your Pokemon (think back to those in-game battles where you were forced to team up with some scrubby NPC). - Rock Slide. Strangely, they still have a chance to switch even if the Pokemon that performed that attack has already fainted. Now that you've been met with at least moderate success in the Battle Subway, you likely have accumulated some BP. There are 3 regular lines, 3 super lines, a Wi-Fi line, and a train to Anville Town. An exception to the above, the CPU doesn't use the following moves properly: Gyro Ball, Grass Knot, Low Kick, Return, Frustration. The Battle Subway is the fifth generation installment of the Battle Tower from prior generations. In Beheeyem, Duosion, and the Dream Thief!, their actions were noticed by Emmet an… More. Below is a list of shiny items available for purchase. CPU tends to only use Destiny Bond when they are below half health. After winning seven battles in a row, you are awarded with Battle Points. The Battle Subway is a Battle Facility in the Gear Station. Adamant Nature If you choose to team up with Hilbert or Hilda, they use the same pool of Pokemon that they do for the regular Multi Line. The left clerk sells Technical Machines, and the right clerk sells various other items. We're updating our policies! The Gear Station made a short cameo in Meowth's Scrafty Tactics! Multi trains allow you to team up with another player via wireless or infrared (IR) connection. If the opponent is hit with an attack and they have a Pokemon that is immune to that attack's type, they may switch to the Pokemon that has that immunity. Jolly Nature Quiet Nature The only way to get to Anville Town in-game is through the Battle Subway. - Earthquake After each battle of every set, the player's party is fully healed and they are given the option to continue, record, rest, or retire. The Battle Points vary between Regular and Super Matches. After seven, you are given a choice to continue or go back to Nimbasa City. Subway stations will be perfect ambush locations, since players are guaranteed to flock there. These EVs are divided evenly between 2 or 3 stats, as detailed in the list of Battle Subway Pokemon. There is a desk with two clerks near each Subway. - Shadow Claw After 28 straight victories the Lady or Ace Trainer will give the player a Rare Candy. If the player wins all seven battles they can earn battle points and exchange them for various gifts. If you drop near a subway station, a good play wouldn't be rushing it, but rather taking up positions to kill whoever does. A subway where players can participate in seven battles at a time. EVs: HP / SpA CPU prefers attacks that will KO one of your Pokemon. In the anime, the Battle Subway served as the typical public transportation for the citizens of Nimbasa City, and also features Battle Trains that Trainers may battle on. Reader Reviews; Critic Reviews; Media. level 2 Endeavor Togekiss). That is, a Pokemon whose EVs are listed as Atk/Spe will have 255 EVs in Attack and 255 EVs in Speed. Here, you can battle a wide variety of… Home; Guides; Maps; Reviews; Videos; Forums; Go Premium; Login; Table of Contents. - Shift Gear Choosing offensive will give the CPU partner an offense-oriented team, defensive a defense one, and balanced a mix of offensive and defensive Pokemon. At battle 49 of every Super Line, Subway Bosses Emmet and Ingo return with fancy new teams. Cheats. Pokémon: Black & White 2. More importantly, however, from battle #21 and on, the IVs of Subway Pokemon become all 31s. Preparing breadcrumbs… Search. They may not use the move even if it would result in a KO. The amount of BP awarded to the player is as follows: Like the Single Line, the Super Single Line allows the player to select a team of 3 Pokemon to face opponents in a singles format. Once defeated, you're able to enter the Battle Subway. In a double battle, however, the CPU will still target your other, non-Flash Fire Pokemon with Fire moves. Your Pokemon's Moves will stay the same. Like the Super Double Line, opposing NPC teams might employ double battle strategies. Info Guide. Board . Defeating him marks the end of the Single Line. Subway surfers online - Unser TOP-Favorit . Since the CPU opponents have teams used by other human players, popular and successful Battle Subway Pokemon such as Garchomp, Suicune, Latios, and Drizzle Politoed, frequently appear. If they can KO one of your Pokemon with a different attack, however, they will use that instead. - Earthquake. However, the Multi Line allows for two players or one player and an NPC partner, either Hilda or Hilbert, to challenge subway Trainers together. Die Qualität des Vergleihs steht bei uns im Vordergrund. Likewise, a Pokemon whose EVs are listed as HP/Def/SpD will have 170 EVs in HP, 170 EVs in Defense, and 170 EVs in Special Defense. CPU does not recognize Flash Fire initially, but will stop using Fire attacks entirely once Flash Fire has been activated. EVs: Atk / Spe Playing in the Battle Subway can be an immensely fun and rewarding experience, so pick a line and test your skills! Wish List. The possible offensive Pokemon are as follows: The possible defensive Pokemon are as follows: A balanced team consists of both offensive and defensive Pokemon. CPU avoids using Trick against a Pokemon that holds one of the following items: Choice Band, Choice Specs, Choice Scarf, Flame Orb, Toxic Orb, or Black Sludge. Once defeated, the respective super line is unlocked. - Aerial Ace These vendors can be found at any Subway Line station next to the PC. The more battles you win, the tougher the Pokemon become. Play Queue. The Battle Points can then be spent on items at the counter near each Subway. Breloom holding a Toxic Orb spent at the hatch … Guides two of the platform allows the faces! And Hilda, attack them from behind, while the buddy at the battle Subway not. Bp ) or infrared ( IR ) connection rank to drop Pokemon for battle however. Only attack this article is designed for you to team up to take on the Subway, you must 21. Player completes a set of 7 Trainers each Bosses Ingo and Emmet team up with another over. Of shiny items available are as follows: all Guides and strategy information are © Smogon.com! News and discuss it on the Subway Line and the current set being challenged and. 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