That's a pretty great origin story. He is based in Sydney but spends a frankly unhealthy portion of his life on the road, tracking down the latest stories. When I first met you, I felt like I had known you forever, telling you my secrets and what I didn't want ever. We have enabled email notifications—you will now receive an email if you receive a reply to your comment, there is an update to a comment thread you follow or if a user you follow comments. (Woot, Buuurn!) This suggestion (from our awesome commercial editor Rae) is the best one I’ve ever heard for dealing with that dilemma: Good to see you. That is why it is important to know some tricks and unwritten rules that will make your emails rock. Nice to meet you. (Ah, this always catches people off-guard. 1. Email this joke. or 1. The trend that started in 2019 is back again as couples have started posting about how they met on Twitter. Yes, you're my (husband/wife); did you forget to take your amnesia pills today? You can avoid this with: generic small talk "Have we met before?" February 4, 2011 7:28PM. How about just ‘Hi – have we met before?’. A. OPEN LOBBY, COME JOIN & PLAY WITH ME!! Making up a fun, fake story to tell people about how you met is a pretty harmless white lie, assuming you go about it the right way. Yeah, it’s awkward sometimes, but meh. lets think of cocky funny responses to some common questions: (i'm in college , so some of these questions are school-related, some common questions I am asked by girls) 1. Thank you for your rating! Is it really all that complicated? No one wants to hear that you disagree with what they've just said, so if you can't simply say "thank you," you might as well give them a funny response. Your father must have been a drug dealer, ’cause your dope! We’ve met 3 times” in a group situation, and you never use that again. I'm going to have to remember that. situation 2: Mary and I are classmate. But apparently, it’s unethical to remove that person unless you have a very valid reason to (read it somewhere). We may be proud that England is the ancient country of Parliaments. I had the pink stilettos on that lit up when I walked! !There's plenty of room in the lobby for you! Why? Now you can get the top stories from Lifehacker delivered to your inbox. - and I say "yes" and the other person says "no". Over text: "Come over." Leave using someone’s name 3 times to those in sales. The blunt, honest truth. Report Save. We can get a sitter for them while the adults go have some fun.” Of course, if he actually takes you up on the offer, then you should run far away, because you don't want to associate with a cheater. That's much better than my usual answer of "Uh, who are you?!? But anyway, people will treat you how you treat yourself … David Deangelo says think of 10 common questions you get asked by girls, and always have a default cocky funny response to them. Comment deleted by user 6 years ago. Instead, they'll shrug off the compliment and tear themselves down by saying that it's just not true. What a sad thought it is, that some of us will surrender and settle down long before we have met the person we are supposed to love. Angus has been writing professionally about technology since 1994 and breaking it for even longer. Privacy Policy. Then I ask them if we possibly met at X place or Y event. February 4, 2011 7:28PM. level 1. We initially were texting everyday for at least a week before we met because he was traveling. RSS Follow us on Twitter Like us on Facebook. }, if (typeof siteads.queue !== 'undefined') { It’s friendly, it’s non-specific, and it lets the conversation move forward. “You want a story with longevity,” says psychologist and relationship expert Tracy Thomas, Ph.D. “It needs to be something you can imagine telling people five, ten, twenty years from now. Probably the sex offender posters. 3. In person, you make her. Socially I always go with – ‘I get the impression we’ve met briefly before.’ If they tell me all about it, I apologize and let them know that they made an impression despite my goldfish memory, or if they say they don’t think we’ve met, I just say I must be thinking of some movie star or model or someone (with a pinch of humor to diffuse the awkwards). If I'm not sure, I tell them I'm not sure. Visit … Enter your email below. Surely it depends on whether you have or have not met the other person before? ", Or if you have met them at a previous time you say: "Yes, we met at so and so.". This tells them a bit about places I go and maybe we'll connect in a common activity or interest. ‘We Never Would Have Met’ Julia also never really had qualms about telling people the truth about her meet-cute. In 2011, he won the IT Journo Award For Best Consumer Technology Journalist and Consensus IT Writers Award for Best Technical Writer for his work on Lifehacker; about time too. You remember that pole dancing class you took???? I usually remark "Oh, I think I would remember you!" What I hate is when a third party moves to effect an introduction - "have you two met before?" b) you haven’t met them they wonder if they’ve met you and will likely ask “have we met?” and you can jokingly say “haha, no, that’s why I said stranger!”. So the regressionist took me through the process where I was able to go back in time and see where I had met this man before. No need to be gentle with her type. Imagine someone walking up to you at a party. Good sales people always remember people’s history and build on common ground It works effectively because if; I'm the receptionist at the VD Clinic." The first funny person that comes to mind is a man who sits on the branch of a tree by a road and shouts at the cars that pass by. If something of this sort is not happening to you, it doesn’t mean that it can’t happen with other people. Met a guy on an app I hit it off with through texting. Our entire relationship was combative and ended terribly. That implies they're memorable -- kind of hints at that I like them. 2. siteads.queue.push( {"site":"lifehacker","pagetype":"article","ad_type":"article","sec":"life","amp":false,"ctype":"article","article":"what to say when youre not sure if youve met someone before","article-tags":["au","etiquette","memory","names"],"native":["null"],"aggregate":["au","etiquette","memory","names"],"pageID":["null"],"sub-sec":"","cat":"life","cat1":"","ad_location":"mrec-content-mobile","targeting":{"pos":"1"},"provider":"google-dfp","element_id":"ad-slot_mrec-content-mobile_section-index-1_pos-1"} ); Comments may take up to an hour for moderation before appearing on the site. 0. Sounds too cheesy…. That implies they're memorable -- kind of hints at that I like them. Unzip the sweater. Yeah. Just get as good as you can at letting them divert the conversation to something interesting to them, and run with it. a) you have met them but don’t really remember them they take it in jest and will likely point out it has been a while since you last met He doesn’t make eye contact, and when he speaks it’s very quiet and without enthusiasm or energy in the tone of his voice. I get that a lot! We exchange news through emails, write complaints, ask questions, establish contacts, do business, etc. You are the one I want to grow old with and so let us be happy for each other, my friend. You just know that it’s, more often than not, some stupid power play. Angus Kidman | Lifehacker Editor They are funny, they are witty—but their underlying meaning depends on your prudence. But before you snap, take a deep breath and turn to your (packed) calendar. Submitted by norma snockers. This has the bonus affect of breaking any awkwardness – you get to be apologetic and and they get to forgive you. Get out of the habit of greeting people you know by name. and he leaves. B. *shrug*, Dammit, Angus – now everyone will know what I’m doing . Avoid: Great to see you again, or It was a pleasure to meet you. Also, I usually get the desire to remove some of the people copied in the e-mail. 6 years ago. If you use all of them, you will have more chances to get the desired response from people. Respond to the request with a simple email that says, “I’d love to help, but I have to take care of X, Y, and Z first. So, let’s begin. It's a superpower maybe. Sounds depressing right? level 2. Once you start greeting everyone without your name, it’s natural and passable. The Response . Man: "Haven't we met before?" 0. lrodriguez83 Member Posts: 136 Member Posts: 136. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. “Good to see you” definitely implies that you’ve met them before. Copied! Rate this joke. Yeah, but you were asleep so we didn't exchange names. Is it a different between American and British English? One day when we are older, I hope we are together to talk about that time that we met, girl. While the best response to any compliment is "thank you," not many people use it. You were so cute, and your deep blue eyes were so charismatic, I felt like I would lose myself in them. The rest of the time, try the following: “See you soon.”, “great to see you” , “till next time” , “thanks for the chat”, “you have fun now”, “Catch ya”, “Cheers”. We met approximately 600 years ago and I was an older man with long gray hair and a gray beard, who was an Alchemist, and lived basically as a hermit inside a … I have to re-read my reply several times before it gets sent. Use this greeting with everyone, all the time. I don't think I have ever told you before how I felt the first time we met. In that case you can replace love with friendship. The way we write emails influences the results we get. I usually remark "Oh, I think I would remember you!" Your father must have been a mechanic, ’cause you’ve got a nicely tuned body. Are they the same? To me ‘good to see you’ implies you have met before. It doesn’t have to be awkward – we can’t all remember all the people we’ve ever met (unless of course you’ve actually met numerous times, in which case you’ll look like a dick). Response; Request; Sales; Social Event; Suggestion; Sympathy; Termination; Thank You; Transmittal; Welcome; When We First Met. For some people, meeting people on a daily basis who you’ve no idea if you’ve met once, twice or eight times before is a reality. ", Well, if you really are meeting them for the first time you say something like: "I don't believe we have. In business, you can sometimes get away with: “Thanks for your time.” You only need to get the reply “I’m George. Friday, 21 August 2009 Share. If I'm sure I have, I tell them yes and where we met. Did we meet before? Your father must have been a baker, ’cause you’ve got a nice set of buns. Then I ask them if we possibly met at X place or Y event. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. 1. share. Maybe "And she'll have fun fun fun till her daddy takes her T-Bird away," or "Cause I have a peaceful easy feeling." (This is a perfect response for compliments that are targeting your sexy figure or lost of weight.) Wish I could say the same about you. You only need to get the reply “I’m George. Sports, Weather, News, Immediate environment, a funny short story about yourself Yeah. His shoulders are rolled forward, head is down and he’s looking at the ground. I know. Your father must have been a chef, ’cause your smokin’! Have we met ? Really, that's all there is to it. if her coming over is a possibility, "Oh, I will." If it’s just to say Thank You, sometimes, I don’t reply at all unless it’s really such a big thing and I really mean it. I think this already happened. Hashtag BLESSED! Honestly because of her response I would have physically made her. In the course of our daily lives, we meet so many people, each having his own unique qualities. level 1. Yes, I wish to receive exclusive discounts, special offers and competitions from our partners. “I met my boyfriend on Hinge this past summer, and it was very unexpected. This tells them a bit about places I go and maybe we'll connect in a common activity or interest. Some funny people I have met. We see each other everyday in classes. For example, the first time we met our mom, we were coming out of her vagina. Now they have to tell you the actual reason why they’re complimenting you, if there is any.) How was your weekend? He always keeps cracking jokes and plays weird but harmless pranks on others. But you don’t have to. Recently, I haven't been seeing her / haven't seen her. So to the people I’ve met countless times, screw you for pretending to not know who I am. In business I play it straight – ‘Have we met?’ this puts it on them if we have and if we haven’t it’s a neutral game and we do intros. Use them however you like! That works whether it’s someone you do know, someone you’ve chatted to on Twitter but never encountered in real life, or someone who you’ve never actually met. Instead, I’ll tell her like 30-40% about me so that feel she doesn’t get anxious that I’m too much of a stranger. posted by coolcoolkitty at 6:25 AM … With scarcely any intervening period, Parliaments have met constantly for 600 years, and there was something of a Parliament before the Conquest. You’re allowed to forget the second time and maybe even the third time if both of our prior interactions were boozy, but you’re not allowed to not remember me after that. It depends... do I remember having met them before? We’ve met 3 times” in a group situation, and you never use that again. Woman: "Perhaps. We meet up finally and have such a good first date, he asks me (with my prompting of saying “we should do this again”) on a second date 2 days later. Your father must have been a “mentos”, ’cause you’re mint! ‘Good to see you’ is a closed statement which is better used when you’re not actually happy to see someone and would prefer to just find the nearest alcoholic beverage and also explains why you don’t remember the person you’ve just been introduced to for the 5th time. That's why we've combed the swampy cesspool that is Reddit to see whether other people are have made fantastic friends under fantastic circumstances, or it was just us. "I don't think we've met. Either way I’m forgiven and they feel good. }. ", You say, "We crash-landed on a magical island once and had all sorts of wacky adventures. Man: Havent we met before? I wanted to know where we had met before. Plus, if we have great chemistry over text together it just becomes too much. It would be more grammatically correct, albeit dramatic, to say “Finally, we meet!” However, unless you’ve corresponded for sometime already before meeting, or you are attempting humour, it would be more polite to simply say “It’s good/nice to meet you!” It pays to be interested in something newsworthy so you can fill 30 seconds of conversation without knowing if this stranger is actually interested or not. By subscribing you agree to our Terms of Use and What should you say? I just admit to not knowing someone. Report Save. siteads.queue.push( {"site":"lifehacker","pagetype":"article","ad_type":"article","sec":"life","amp":false,"ctype":"article","article":"what to say when youre not sure if youve met someone before","article-tags":["au","etiquette","memory","names"],"native":["null"],"aggregate":["au","etiquette","memory","names"],"pageID":["null"],"sub-sec":"","cat":"life","cat1":"","ad_location":"out-of-page-mobile","provider":"google-dfp","element_id":"ad-slot_out-of-page-mobile_section-index-1"} ); Somehow, I have the ability to respond even before they text me. It builds up too much of an image of who we both are before even speaking face to face, and it’s bound to be too much to live up to. I will so be using this in the future. He was recently single, so he was equally as ambivalent to any expectation beyond having fun, as I … You must be thinking that how can someone find the love of their lives on Twitter, right? Press J to jump to the feed. This more often than not creates the bridge as you discuss the shared history and allows for other conversation to continue. This list rolls up 100 funny and witty replies to rude comments. More Jokes... That's A Lot Of Pizza! Not only that but his hands are in his pockets, and when he walks up to you he’s turned at an angle instead of standing squarely facing you. They work their way through the crowd - without much luck - so Bubba says "Boss, we're never gonna get there together through all these people so I tell you what - I'll work my way up there and when I do, I'll give you a sign that show you I know the Pope!" ", I generally say "probably not" because I don't meet many people so the chances are slim that I've met them before. That was back when we were both alive. Here are some of the best funny comebacks for a compliment. if (typeof siteads.queue !== 'undefined') { Inane observations aren’t great conversation… but they get you through the first 10 seconds, and hopefully the other party can lead the conversation from there. Spanish Letters . Here’s a few tips: Good sales people always greet people by name. Join the mailing list. We ask you to keep your comments relevant and respectful. So you might have missed the bus. When we first met I smiled because I knew you were going to be important to me some day. Original Poster 6 years ago. A good sales person uses the person’s name again while saying goodbye Nobody used “hey stranger!”…? I get that a lot though...just seem to have one of those faces", I look at them questioningly, and say "Hmmm, I don't recall if we have. We met on the Titantic, 10 minutes before it capsized. "I don't think so, everyone seems to remember my face though. And I haven’t even gotten into the content of what he would be saying yet, but the image of a depressed … 'Have We Met Before' Prank _ Impractical Jokers | Daily Funny | Funny Video | Funny Clip | Funny Animals — Beau Taplin. ", New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. 1. share. It doesn’t get you round the problem of actually remembering the person’s name, but for that the compliment strategy works well. if it isn't. Be warned though: the various responses that can be found here may be funny and witty, but it’s still best to always use them with discretion. I think B should be used if I'm sure we did meet at sometime in the past before. If a guy turns you down, because he already has a girlfriend, then you can say, “Well, I have a dog. Think about it, if you were meeting someone for the first time you wouldn’t say “Good to see you”. 2. If it happens again then you can say 'Have you heard about love at first sight'. It’s so awkward: you run into someone at a party/work event/shopping centre, and you can’t remember whether or not you’ve met them before (let alone what their name is). If I know I haven't met them, I say we haven't. Tracking down the latest stories stupid power PLAY I usually remark `` Oh, I think B should be if... Here are some of the keyboard shortcuts `` I do n't think,... Been writing professionally about technology since 1994 and breaking it for even longer can replace with... Through texting we met, girl to it my ( husband/wife ) ; did you forget to take amnesia... Nicely tuned body offers and competitions from our partners will. ” implies... And it lets the conversation move forward any awkwardness – you get to be apologetic and and they get be. I have, I tell them yes and where we met before while goodbye!, we meet so many people, each having his own unique.., some stupid power PLAY old with and so let us be for! 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