There are quite a few analysis companies. Chapter 1Introducing Economics 1 2. If you are looking for microeconomics topics for presentation, then you should pay attention to modern realities. Put a stop to deadline pressure, and have your homework done by an expert. Each society must answer the following three questions: Q1: What to produce? Why is it challenging to attain a positive inflation rate during a global crisis? Got tired of searching all the formatting requirements and specifics of Macro and Microeconomics PowerPoint Presentation? One can even equate this scenario to the shortage of masks and other PPEs during the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Economic is an essential topic for life. Here, you are free to address the labour market of a town, the … As a result, students cannot present topics that can earn them top grades in class. Are these concepts tightly bound or not? How to avoid business bankruptcy for small businesses. Inflation: essence, types, sources, consequences. The following are various, amazing subjects and areas where microeconomics papers concentrate on. Our address: 1885 Mission St, San Francisco, CA 94103, Our address:1885 Mission St, San Francisco, CA 94103, 100 Microeconomics Research Paper Topics For Your Inspiration, writing tips for economic research paper from Harvard, 100+ Youth Sports Research Paper Topics to Write About, Statistics Project Ideas and Topics that Win A+: Making Statistics Easy and Fun, Basics of microeconomics (Principles, Object and subject of study, etc), Formation and development of ideas about the subject of economic theory (based on the works of R. Heilbroner, M. Allais and L. Robbins), The role of the market in the civilizational process, Rational economic behavior (according to the works of M. Olson, G. Becker, G. Simon, O. Williamson, T. Skitovski): examples from the economic practice of USA, Subjective revolution in pricing: the theory of marginal utility, The theory of consumer choice: a comparative analysis of cardinal and ordinal approaches, The mechanism of a market equilibrium: static and dynamic market efficiency, Analysis of exclusions from the law of demand (based on the work of H. Leibenstein), The economic nature of the firm and the purpose of its activities (R. Coase’s article “Nature of the firm”), Theoretical and practical analysis of production costs (example of a particular firm), The concept of elasticity of demand and its role in making economic decisions, The market model of imperfect competition and profit maximization under the conditions of pure monopoly (according to J. Robinson’s work “Economic theory of imperfect competition”), The concept of consumer surplus and producer surplus in the context of perfect and imperfect competition. Your email address will not be published. The theory of contracts and the problem of motivation in the relations of the agent-principal. In our online database you can find free Macro and Microeconomics PowerPoint Presentation work for every taste: thesis, essays, dissertations, assignments, research and term papers etc. Make sure to include them into your paper! How to create a digital signature Are discounts and offers suitable for starting microeconomic enterprises? We have a list of great topics for you! You should take it into account when you consider a particular phenomenon. What is visual communication and why it matters; Nov. 20, 2020. Principles of microeconomics. Topics for Microeconomics Research Paper. Is India dominating in software development? The problem of costs minimization in the markets of factors of production. Presentation on importance of microeconomics 1. I want to start with a brief overview of microeconomics. Economics 102: Introduction to Microeconomics Microeconomics: The study of how resources are allocated to various uses in society. Natural monopoly and regulation of its activities in the USA and foreign countries. Which topic to choose? Here is a list of general topics that a micro-economics paper question can be formulated around: The balancing of supply and demand; Elasticity. Diffusion of capital as a sign of transformation of a modern market economy. to housing market. A presentation topic for microeconomics? 4)Microeconomics is an exact science. Definition of EconomicsThe study of how societychooses to allocate itsscarce resources to theproduction of goods andservices in order to satisfyunlimited wants 2 3. Microeconomics Author: Tech Department Last modified by: Tech Department Created Date: 4/21/2008 12:09:49 PM Document presentation format | PowerPoint PPT presentation | free to view 2. How pricing relates to salary when determining the minimum wage increases. Economic theories of oligopolistic pricing. Plus, save with our affordable education rates for group or individual subscriptions. How creativity leads to success. You will not be able to use notes during your presentation. What is the best way of cushioning small businesses after a pandemic? A feature of the development of network business in world practice, Features of the application of contract production as a way to increase the competitiveness of a modern firm, Features of the development of franchising in modern conditions. Mergers and acquisitions: theoretical and practical aspects, Price strategy of the company in context of imperfect competition, Strategic interactions of firms: competition based on the choice of volumes of production (capacities), competition based on the choice of prices, Advantages of the network form of business organization, Transaction costs as key factor of the firm’s viability in the new economy, Advertising as a factor reducing transaction costs. Is the minimum wage a significant result of unemployment? How the composition of a market affects its productivity. The principle behind econometrics in microeconomics, Discuss the intricacy of modern econometric techniques, Econometric software used for the manipulation of large amounts of measured data. Consumer Demand Theory. What are the unique characteristics of the labor market of a town? PowerPoint Presentation for Microeconomics. Before we embark on the topics, below are some of the characteristics of good microeconomic paper topics: So, what are some microeconomic topics that you can use for your next assignment? Any daily-life moments could be analyzed from the perspective of microeconomics . Powerpoint presentations provided by Premium PowerPoint created by Ron Cronovich for use with N. Gregory Mankiw's 4e series of economic textbooks: Principles of Economics, Principles of Macroeconomics, Brief Principles of Macroeconomics, Essentials of Economics. Browse Microeconomics news, research and analysis from The Conversation Microeconomics – News, Research and Analysis – The Conversation – page 1 Menu Close Nov. 21, 2020. Look for the List of 143 Microeconomics Essay Topics at - 2020. Bureaucracy: institutional nature and impact on socio-economic development. How to strike a balance between supply and demand, Is it possible to achieve a market place where there is ‘perfect competition?’, The functioning of the stock market and its role in the business sector, Ways of improving opportunity costs for start-ups, The effect of working from home on the economy, Enormous consequences of economic recession on third world countries, Why people are not able to afford mortgage rates during the COVID-19 pandemic, Working options for salvaging collapsing economies. CIS Microeconomics Supply and Demand Presentation You will create three presentations for the class on current events you find in the news OR any historical event example. Competition (Perfect and Imperfect) Income and consumer choices. How has Wifi improved lives 4. In order to get a clearer understanding of a topic we highly recommend to read writing tips for economic research paper from Harvard. The meaning of “long money” for the development of the Russian economy. Powerpoint presentations were edited by Ryan Davis. The peculiarity of the functioning of enterprises organized in the form of franchising: world experience and US practice. Modern Microeconomics Essay Topics. Microeconomics Presentation- Emily Clark. The theory of marginal productivity of factors of production (according to the work of J.B Clarke “The distribution of wealth: the theory of wages, interest and profits”). To examine the condition of economic welfare4. Applied aspects of the Cournot model in oligopolistic markets. Discuss the law of diminishing returns in manufacturing industries. Why is a monopoly killing small businesses globally? However, our expert microeconomic gurus have selectively handpicked 60+ topics to help students attain better grades. Microeconomic Topics For Presentation What is the impact of coronavirus on small-scale traders? To understand the operation of an economy2. The essence of markets and competition. Chapter 1 Microeconomics Intro 1. Maybe right now you’re looking for topics to write a microeconomics term paper about, so we collected several best topics for you. Discuss the Matthew effect and its relation to social involvement. Microeconomics is a foundation course for students with such majors as Economics, Business Informatics, Management, Marketing, Business Administration etc. Using those works as your literature sources will make your microeconomics research paper more valuable. In order to start you need to choose a broad area of your research and then focus on a particular question you are interested in. What microeconomics topics are all about? Look for pertinent sources dedicated to your subject and also convincing quotes to back your ideas. How to dispose outdated electronics 7. Q3: For whom do we produce it? Use of indices of production concentration for antimonopoly regulation purposes, Labor productivity and its role in enhancing the firm’s competitiveness, Features of the formation and functioning of the labor market in USA, Factors shaping the supply and demand for labor, taking into account the specific features of the USA economy, Modern wage systems and the problem of fair wages in the USA. Microeconomic topics to write about are becoming rare to find nowadays. 3. This is to see how fast one variable response to a change in another variable. The balance between supply and demand. You can create an essay or research paper based on the economic indicators and internal processes of the business's individual segments. Rational economic behavior (according to the works of M. Olson, G. Becker, G. Simon, O. Williamson, … How to conserve energy with your electronic devices 6. 2. Introductory Microeconomics (ES10001) - Introductory Microeconomics (ES10001) Topic 3: Risk and Uncertainty | PowerPoint PPT presentation | free to view A.P. The accumulation of capital as the driver of monopolization of the modern economy. The impact of coronavirus prevention measures on microeconomics, Government reforms after COVID-19 that can help jumpstart businesses, The growth of online marketing and potential buyers, Ways of keeping a business afloat during pandemics. This article will give you a great inspiration and will help you to choose the best topic for your microeconomics research paper. To start with, I want to give you several tips for your research paper! Maximization of firm profit in the short-term period in the markets of factors of production (in context of perfect and imperfect competition). Gratitude in the workplace: How gratitude can improve your well-being and relationships How consumers can reconcile the balance between the need of buying a product or a service against its cost. Scroll down. Practical application of the maximization of profit rule, Labor-saving technologies in the Russian industry, Elements of game theory: the possibility of using microeconomic analysis in practice, Bertrand’s model and price wars in oligopolistic industries. The problem of “pure” losses from monopolization, Theory and practice of price discrimination in the economy of the United States and EU countries. Enjoy! Work market- This is another sphere that is worth considering while inquiring for an excellent topic for a microeconomics Research Paper. Technology alteration in phone designs 10. Pricing and competition. Oligopoly in the modern economy, Analysis of the impact of USA membership in the WTO, Strategic interaction of firms in the oligopolistic market, Influence of market structure on incentives for innovation (on the example of the pharmaceutical market), Concentration of production in the sectors of domestic industry, Natural monopolies and their place in Japan economy. 1. Index of Microeconomic Topics. You can use any of the topics above for your microeconomic paper or seek professional writing help from our expert writers today. Note: This is not a complete index because it does not reference all occurances of a term. How can the world revive the falling economy? How to come up with the topic? Last time I did one about online shopping around Christmas time and I talked about statistics from that period as well as the concept of deadweight loss. There are “schools” of economics that have their own ideology, which cover all aspects of both micro and macroeconomics. Methods for solving the market fiasco problem in the context of information asymmetry, Ways to reduce the asymmetry of information in developed markets, Negative vertical externalities: the problem of double marginalization, Formation of institutions in developed and transitional economies, Model of man in institutional and neoclassical theory: comparative analysis. The role of advertising in microeconomics. Government policies that threaten the success of microeconomics. In the words of Denham (201), “it seems the fiscal cliff saga is the main focus topic and the rest has little influence”. Microeconomics Powerpoint Presentations. The firm as an incomplete contract. Internet has lead to heightened terrorism activities 3. Format, header, outline, type or topics? 2) Do not confuse with macroeconomics! Regarding microeconomics, consider how changing demands influence the operation of small businesses or to study how various factors of supply affect enterprises and personal households. Ensure that our theses are well-defined and are compatible with the selected microeconomics topics. How the work market impacts an average income individual, Analyze the influence of buyers and sellers. Topics can range from consumer and firm behavior, sports, economic development, agriculture, health, gender, monetary policy, labor market, education, investment and finance, behavior of a particular industry like airlines, entertainment, smartphones etc. - easy and free. 1SUBMITTED TOGYANMANI ADHIKARI 2. Title: Microeconomics 1 Microeconomics Households and Businesses 2 Household Income Sources Source of income Dividends 1.7 Interest 4.9 Proprietors Income 8.4 Rental Income 11.1 13.4 Social Security 64.7 Transfer Payments-4.3 Wages and Salaries 3 Average Household Incomes Characteristic Average Income All Households 64,406 Headed by married couple 59,346 1. Behavioral economics: criticism of the concept of rational choice. But it becomes close to effortless to compose one if you have an opportunity to choose from a coherent list of options which is what this guide is all about. Why McDonald’s model is a cause for monopolistic competition, How to lead a company from scratch to success, How to maximize e-commerce trading for microeconomics, Why there are many small-scale businesses over big scale companies, Discuss how the theory of Consumer Demand relates to consumer preference and choice, Production factors involved in the Theory of Production Input Value, How businesses determine the number of raw materials using the Production Theory. Price discrimination and its implementation in various market structures: positive and negative consequences. Production expenses, price, and profit. Description The PowerPoint ® Presentations, updated by Jose J. Vazquez-Cognet of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, include full-color versions of the text’s tables and figures, as well as lecture notes to accompany each slide. How to start an economics paper? Term papers in microeconomicscan examine different issues related to decision making by people and companies in real-world situations, and the key questions include decision making under uncertainty, imperfect competition, game theory, behavioral economics, and situations of asymmetric information. 3) There are a lot of original sources in microeconomics – papers of economists of XIX, XX centuries that cover various phenomena. The impact of changing demands on the operation of small businesses, Factors of supply that affect personal households and enterprises. So, which areas can we identify in microeconomics? Macroeconomic market structures. Microeconomics topics for presentation 50 Macro- and Microeconomics Topics for Your Research Paper Top 12 Microeconomics Topics To Write About. INTRODUCTION OFMICROECONOMICS IMPORTNCE OF MICROECONOMICS USES IN BUSINESS DECISIONMAKING 3. Is it possible to achieve a general econometric equilibrium? Advantages and disadvantages of hiring full-time workers for business. Critically analyze the Neo-classical theory. What is the impact of coronavirus on small-scale traders? How technological monopoly is dominating the global market, Discuss how natural monopoly is the new norm for businesses, How the government monopoly is killing businesses. Dynamics of the Ginny index as a reflection of the problem of inequality in income distribution. Theory and practice of anti-monopolistic regulation. Your email address will not be published. Transactional sector of the economy and prospects for its development. “Broken” demand curve and other formal models of oligopoly, Maximization of profits in the oligopolistic industry (according to J. Stigler’s Theory of Oligopoly), The market of monopolistic competition with product differentiation (according to E. Chamberlin’s Theory of Monopolistic Competition), Antitrust regulation in a market economy: experience of the US, Russia and other countries, Asymmetric information and adverse market selection, The theory of transaction costs of the firm: institutional analysis (based on the works of R. Coase, O. Williamson ). Topics & Ideas 105 Understanding Microeconomics is almost as daunting as composing an argumentative essay on it. 5. Engage and inspire your students with access to The New York Times in your course, classroom or school. In the presentation, you will give the background story, and then using the whiteboard, translate the current events into a supply and demand graph. How e-waste is toxic to your health 8. principles of microeconomics unit 1 2020-06-12; principles of microeconomics unit 1 2019-05-28; lesson 11: monopoly and antitrust policy 2019-03-06; lesson 12: environmental protection and negative externalities 2019-02-10; lesson 16: information, risk, and insurance 2019-03-03; micro 2019-11-03; lesson 9: monopoly 2019-03-06 Should the government fix prices for circulating capital economics? 1) Microeconomics is characterized by polarity of views. Most people are introduced to microeconomics through the study of scarce resources, money prices, and the supply and demand … Blog. How do Gossen’s laws apply in today’s market? Is the Theory of Opportunity Cost still viable today? Fast-growing firms as a factor in the economic growth of national economy. Should the government impose taxes on small business enterprises? Will internet kill print media? Coase’s theorem (based on R. Coase’s work “Firm, Market and Law”), The role of human capital in the modern economy, Effect and efficiency: technical, economic and socio-economic efficiency, The evolution of labor relations in the US and Japan: the general and the difference, The consumer choice of addictive goods as deviation from rational behavior: risks and self-control, Individual behavior: manufacturer theory (technology, cost minimization, profit maximization), Coase’s theorem and practical aspects of its application, The value of an estimate of the elasticity of supply and demand for entrepreneurial practice, The general equilibrium in the exchange economy: L. Walras, V. Pareto, F. Edgeworth, The role of large enterprises in the US economy and the problems of improving their efficiency, The role and importance of small business, the situation in the modern economy of US, Factors of economy on the scale of production, Features of competitive strategies of firms in the service sector. Outside of macroeconomic theory, these topics are also extremely important to all economic agents including workers, consumers, and producers. Supply and demand, their impact on prices. Why some products can mark the price so high and still there are demands on purchase? Required fields are marked *. Ultimately, microeconomics is about human choices and incentives. PowerPoint Presentation (Download Only) for Microeconomics. To provide tools for economic policies3. Different economists have various opinion on a particular aspect of microeconomics. Factors affecting the stability of cartel agreements, Economic welfare theory: the main provisions and practices, Market structures: monopoly and monopolistic behavior. Rent relations in a modern market economy. Microeconomics Essay Topics. Is a legal monopoly the way to go for struggling businesses. Forget this struggle! Differentiation of wage rates and its causes, The market of natural resources and natural rent. Economics is a part of the “Worldly Philosophy” that concerns materialistic matters as well as the … The economic impact of advertising on businesses. © 2020 - All Rights Reserved - ASSIGNMENTGEEK.COM, 60 Killer Microeconomic Topics For Your Research, Get Biochemistry Homework Help From Professional Writers, Math Analysis Homework: Best Tips For All, They should show causal or strong correlative relationships in economics, They should point out the dynamic nature of microeconomics. If you are working, understanding economics will help you understanding how are the products and services of your company relate to the markets and consumers. Q2: How to produce it? Price and output determination under non-… 5)Microeconomics is actually funny. Besides, they are not very difficult to understand. Any phenomenon or concept could be described with graphs and math calculations. The role of trademark and intellectual property rights in microeconomics, Why bureaucracy on customers and employees is killing business start-ups, Why market speculation is essential before venturing into a business, Advantages and disadvantages of permanent employee contracts, How to attain market equilibrium for developing countries. Microeconomics - Title: A.P. Stukelberg duopoly model: content, comparative analysis with duopoly Cournot, practical aspects of use. Changes in equilibrium price and quantity. These topics will inspire you to think further and write even better ones for an A+ grade. World experience and USA practice, The role of a demanding consumer in the increasing competitiveness of USA firms, The Lagrange method and the possibility of its application in calculating the equilibrium of the consumer, Transaction costs as a way to reduce the uncertainty of the external environment, Trends in the formation and development of the “knowledge economy”: foreign experience and US practice, The elasticity of supply and demand and its importance for entrepreneurial practice, Formation of demand in the markets of consumer goods, taking into account the elasticity factor, Differentiation of the product as a factor of non-price competition, Competitive strategies of large enterprises in the context of the “new economy”, Competitive strategies of small enterprises, Strategic interactions of firms: collusion under oligopolistic competition, Bertrand’s duopoly model: content, comparative analysis with duopoly Cournot, practical aspects of use. The Grossman-Hart theory. Pearson offers affordable and accessible purchase options to meet the needs of your students. However, as stated by Denham (2012), ‘fiscal cliff’ is not the only economic challenge that attracts attention with concern to the US economic stability from the global sphere. Microeconomics Presentation- Emily Clark. It simply tries to get you to one or two of the major discussions of a term. I have to do an oral presentation for microeconomics about a current event but I can choose one. Perfect Competition in the Short Run- Microeconomics Topic 3.7 (1 of 2) - … Here are 35 topic ideas for your inspiration. Though macroeconomics encompasses a variety of concepts and variables, but there are three central topics for macroeconomic research on a national level: output, unemployment, and inflation. In fact, the difference is quite clear – macroeconomics studies economy as a whole, while microeconomics studies behavior of a firm and individuals and their interaction in decision making considering allocation of scarce resources. Natural economy of the USA, Schumpeter about entrepreneurship as a factor of production, Modern concepts of profit (according to the works of F. Knight, J. Schumpeter and J. Weston), External effects as a manifestation of market failure. The problem of monopolization of the market and antimonopoly policy in France. 1. We are sure that you will be able to choose one that is the most interesting for you. Market economy supply chain and demand. How do industries survive during an economic recession? Impact on learning through technology 9. Very difficult to understand economic agents including workers, consumers, and.. Brief overview of microeconomics, and producers improve your well-being and relationships index microeconomic! 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