[192], Subsequently, various users who opposed the regime proposed a counter-march for July 19, flooding with blue and white flags before the red and black government's withdrawal of the FSLN flag. [219][220], The OHCHR [Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights] condemns yesterday's incendiary attack against the Chapel of La Sangre de Cristo in the Cathedral of Managua, expresses its solidarity with the entire Catholic community and urges the authorities to thoroughly investigate what happened, "said the institution in a message released through its official Twitter account. The reforms were announced on 16 April 2018, and published by presidential decree in March 2018 in La Gaceta (official government record) on 18 April 2018. The death of this prisoner provoked protests at the head of the La Modelo Prison by relatives of political prisoners who want to know about the physical state of the detainees from the Sandinista government. A subject burst into the middle of mass and threw stones on a glass urn and then returned and threw another stone at a Christ who was on the altar of the Church of Santa Rosa de Lima, in the municipality of Santa Rosa del Peñón, León. [204][205] The Nicaraguan Center for Human Rights (CENIDH) through a statement expressed its repudiation of what happened in the Chapel of the Blood of Christ of the Cathedral of Managua, burned by an unknown person who threw a Molotov bomb and then fled the scene without leaving trail. It included the official visit of the IACHR to Nicaragua. [123] As of 4 April 2019, between 325 and 568 have died over the period of the protests. The station, located east of the Ãscar Danilo Rosales Argüello Hospital (Heodra), in León, spent more than nine hours under siege, before the occupation of the motor vehicles was recorded, according to the director of the media outlet, AnÃbal Toruño. [159], Repression, torture and sexual assault "among other crimes. [147] Nicaragua closed its doors to a Working Group of 12 countries created by the Permanent Council of the OAS, which seeks to support the national dialogue and contribute to the search for solutions to the crisis in the country. While so many protests continue in the capital and several departments of the Central American country. The IACHR visit occurred as Nicaraguan human rights organizations were reporting between 61 and 67 people dead and more than 500 injured in the repression exercised against protesters. contra Nicaragua", "Asà te contamos la protesta tras la muerte del reo polÃtico, Eddy Montes", "The figures of the Nicaraguan protests released under amnesty", "IACHR asks the Government to ensure the safety of Nicaraguans after attacks in León and Managua", "Orteguista regime lifts blockade against La Prensa", "A new opposition coalition intends to deal with Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua", https://ondalocal.com.ni/noticias/835-policia-orteguista-, "PolicÃa agrede a manifestantes y periodistas en Nicaragua", "Sandinistas profanan misa de cuerpo presente de Ernesto Cardenal en Nicaragua", "Diplomáticos y personalidades presencian profanación de turbas del gobierno en la Catedral de Managua", "Simpatizantes de Ortega invaden el funeral del poeta Ernesto Cardenal para gritarle "traidor, "Brutal agresión de turbas sandinistas a periodista de Nicaragua Investiga", "Treasury Sanctions Nicaraguan National Police and Police Commissioners Involved in Human Rights Abuse | U.S. Department of the Treasury", "U.S. sanctions Nicaragua's police, three individuals -Treasury", "Confirman segundo caso de Covid-19 en Nicaragua", "The country telling its population to party as the rest of the world stays home", https://www.despacho505.com/matan-a-opositor-por-gritar-viva-nicaragua-libre-a-caravana-orteguista-en-esteli/, https://www.elperiodico.com/es/internacional/20200721/asesinan-ciudadano-gritar-viva-nicaragua-libre-8048376, https://confidencial.com.ni/gritar-viva-nicaragua-libre-le-costo-la-vida-a-opositor/, https://www.abc.com.py/internacionales/2020/07/21/asesinado-por-gritar-nicaragua-libre/, https://www.articulo66.com/2020/07/21/lanzan-campana-asesinado-esteli-nicaragua/, https://www.laprensa.com.ni/2020/07/21/departamentales/2699150-policia-presenta-al-supuesto-asesino-del-hombre-que-grito-viva-nicaragua-libre-en-la-trinidad, https://100noticias.com.ni/nacionales/102184-asedio-policial-continua-en-casa-del-lider-estudia/, https://100noticias.com.ni/nacionales/102180-excarcelado-politico-juan-bautista-guevara-asedio-/, https://radio-corporacion.com/blog/archivos/60153/amenaza-asedio-periodistas/, https://confidencial.com.ni/policia-de-ortega-sustrae-vehiculos-en-radio-dario/, https://100noticias.com.ni/nacionales/102185-exigen-cese-ataque-intimidacion-rensa-independient/, https://www.laprensa.com.ni/2020/07/08/politica/2694303-rosario-murillo-confirma-que-la-celebracion-del-19-de-julio-sera-virtual, https://www.laprensa.com.ni/2020/07/17/politica/2697536-contramarcha-virtual-del-19-de-julio-subi-en-tus-redes-una-foto-con-la-bandera-de-nicaragua-o-de-un-preso-politico, https://www.aciprensa.com/noticias/hombre-destruye-con-una-camioneta-parte-de-catedral-en-nicaragua-84569, https://100noticias.com.ni/nacionales/102144-sacrilegio-robo-iglesia-veracruz-masaya/?mobile, https://www.aciprensa.com/noticias/profanan-con-sana-y-odio-capilla-en-nicaragua-49074, https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/firebomb-attack-damages-chapel-centuries-old-image-of-christ-at-managuas-cathedral-59193, https://www.aciprensa.com/noticias/ataque-a-catedral-de-managua-destruyen-imagen-de-cristo-con-bomba-molotov-18484, https://www.heraldo.es/noticias/internacional/2020/08/01/incendio-en-la-catedral-de-managua-tras-un-ataque-con-coctel-molotov-1388930.html, https://www.articulo66.com/2020/07/31/encapuchado-lanza-bomba-molotov-en-el-interior-de-la-capilla-de-la-sangre-de-cristo-en-la-catedral-de-managua/, https://diario.elmundo.sv/nicaragua-atentado-en-la-catedral-de-managua-incendia-parte-de-la-iglesia/, https://www.telemetro.com/internacionales/2020/08/01/cardenal-nicaragua-califica-acto-terrorista/3094149.html, https://www.elmundo.es/internacional/2020/07/31/5f248c61fc6c83f3758b45e3.html, https://www.dw.com/es/atentado-con-explosivos-da%C3%B1a-venerada-imagen-en-catedral-de-nicaragua/a-54399509, https://100noticias.com.ni/nacionales/102229-rosario-murillo-justifica-ataque-iglesia-catolica-/, https://100noticias.com.ni/nacionales/102231-cardenal-leopoldo-brenes-acto-terrorista/, https://100noticias.com.ni/nacionales/102228-mrs-cosep-condenan-acto-terrorista-iglesia-catolic/, https://100noticias.com.ni/nacionales/102230-unab-ataque-iglesia-cometidos-simpatizantes-sandin/, https://100noticias.com.ni/nacionales/102232-cenidh-exige-investigacion-/, https://www.articulo66.com/2020/07/31/ataque-catedral-cenidh-silvio-baez-nicaragua-rosario-murillo-incendio/, https://www.laprensa.com.ni/2020/08/01/nacionales/2703520-alianza-evangelica-condena-ataque-a-la-catedral-de-managua-y-asedio-a-templos-catolicos, https://www.laprensa.com.ni/2020/07/31/politica/2703046-ortega-decide-ignorar-incendio-en-la-catedral-de-managua-en-su-discurso-por-el-41-aniversario-de-la-fuerza-aerea, https://100noticias.com.ni/nacionales/102233-daniel-ortega-silencio-nicas-varados-acto-terroris/, https://100noticias.com.ni/nacionales/102235-policia-atomizador-alcohol-explosion-catedral-nica/, https://100noticias.com.ni/nacionales/102246-sancionada-policia-asedi-la-prensa-radio-costenisi/, https://listindiario.com/las-mundiales/2020/08/01/628778/sip-pide-a-gobiernos-regionales-presionar-a-regimen-autoritario-de-ortega, https://www.laestrella.com.pa/nacional/200801/iglesia-catolica-panamena-repudia-acto-vandalico-catedral-managua-nicaragua, https://www.nicaraguainvestiga.com/condena-unanime-por-ataque-a-catedral-de-managua/, https://noticias.canalrcn.com/internacional/iglesia-catolica-latinoamericana-rechazo-atentado-contra-catedral-de-managua-nicaragua, https://www.articulo66.com/2020/08/01/consternacion-mundial-por-ataque-terrorista-contra-la-iglesia-catolica-de-nicaragua/, https://www.voanoticias.com/centroamerica/rechazo-internacional-ataque-contra-catedral-managua, https://twitter.com/WHAAsstSecty/status/1288558984304168960, https://redcolectiva.com/2020/08/02/papa-francisco-califica-de-atentado-lo-ocurrido-en-la-catedral-de-managua/, https://www.infobae.com/america/agencias/2020/08/02/francisco-dedica-unas-palabras-a-los-nicaraguenses-tras-atentado-en-managua/, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5bY5CPuvnI, https://es.noticias.yahoo.com/grupo-opositor-pide-papa-visitar-194153024.html, https://100noticias.com.ni/nacionales/102846-extraoficial-embargan-canal-doce/, https://100noticias.com.ni/nacionales/102848-anibal-toruno-denuncia-asedio-policial/, https://radio-corporacion.com/blog/archivos/67935/pedrada-veronica-chavez/?fbclid=IwAR2FyWqP44lrnmln7SS46I_cuN-23r4jBsHsc9yMIXYbW_g7GzhD6KQVWSk, https://radio-corporacion.com/blog/archivos/68790/tomografias-muestran-fisura-craneal-esposa-miguel-mora/, https://radio-corporacion.com/blog/archivos/67921/apedrean-a-miembros-de-la-coalicion-nacional-en-masaya/, https://www.infobae.com/america/america-latina/2020/10/13/la-onu-condeno-el-ataque-violento-por-parte-de-elementos-progubernamentales-contra-opositores-en-nicaragua/?fbclid=IwAR0h8TY4a0zXWLqJam3bLxSHkkJk1zMWchdcfgdBC0Ux5_JCQH1QaJDUZZ0, https://ecotvpanama.com/actualidad/ortega-tendra-control-totalitario-en-nicaragua-con-ley-de-agentes-extranjeros_0_68105/, https://www.dw.com/es/nicaragua-denuncian-amenazas-a-opositores-y-periodistas/a-55313974?maca=es-Twitter-sharing, https://confidencial.com.ni/nicaragua-ha-perdido-mas-de-200-mil-empleos-formales-desde-inicio-de-crisis-de-2018/, "Nicaragua: une ONG accuse Ortega d'avoir "encouragé" la répression", "DECLARACIÃN LOCAL DE LA UNIÃN EUROPEA SOBRE LA SITUACIÃN EN NICARAGUA - Comisión Europea", "Nicaragua: MEPs condemn brutal repression and demand elections", "OEA condena actos violentos y llama a la paz en Nicaragua", "OEA logra aprobar resolución de condena contra el Gobierno de Nicaragua", "La OEA condena a Ortega por la represión en Nicaragua y exige adelantar las elecciones", "ONU y AI, preocupadas por los muertos en las protestas en Nicaragua | DW | 20 April 2018", "ONU reitera solicitud para visitar Nicaragua", "UN chief condemns violence in Nicaragua - Xinhua - English.news.cn", "Gobierno de Chile lamenta los actos de violencia en Nicaragua y llama a evitar un escalamiento de la crisis", "Morte de cidadã brasileira na Nicarágua", "Canadá se declara "preocupada" por las muertes en las manifestaciones de Nicaragua", "Nicaragua defiende la paz y Cuba la apoya", "Alemania condena uso de armas contra manifestantes en Nicaragua", "México apela cese de violencia que se vive en Nicaragua", "Panamá insta a cesar la violencia en Nicaragua y respetar los derechos humanos", "CancillerÃa pide suspender envÃo de mercancÃas a Nicaragua", "Panamá reitera su condena ante los hechos de violencia en Nicaragua", "España llama al fin de la violencia en Nicaragua y ofrece colaboración para abrir una vÃa de diálogo", "Briefing on the Release of the 2017 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices", "Remarks by National Security Advisor Ambassador John R. Bolton on the Administration's Policies in Latin America", "Gobernador de Puerto Rico: En Nicaragua se produce "un atentado contra los derechos humanos"roduce "un atentado contra los derechos humanos, "Papa Francisco pide cese de la violencia en Nicaragua", "Maduro dice que Ortega derrotó un plan "terrorista y golpista" en Nicaragua - El Nuevo Diario", "Venezuela ofrece apoyo para defender a Daniel Ortega", "Holanda retira una ayuda de 18,4 millones al Gobierno de Nicaragua por la violación de los Derechos Humanos", "EE. [181][182][183][184], On July 20, 2020, while burying the murdered opponent, the house of some relatives of the deceased was burned by Nicaraguan social networks, and a campaign was raised to collect funds to meet the main basic needs of the family. At the scene, a plastic spray bottle with alcohol (volatile easily combustion) was found, "they relate among the findings. [228], Members of the National Coalition are stoned in the city of Masaya where Verónica Chávez, wife of journalist Miguel Mora, was injured in her head and the tomographies certify that Chávez has a cranial fissure and suffered an internal hemorrhage that keeps him in the hospital. The 2018â2020 Nicaraguan protests began on 18 April 2018 when demonstrators in several cities of Nicaragua began protests against the social security reforms decreed by President Daniel Ortega that increased taxes and decreased benefits. [67][68], After weeks of conflict, the National Dialogue began on 16 May 2018. [89], Mobs, some hooded and armed, set out on 9 July surrounding and assaulted Catholic bishops, including Cardinal Leopoldo Brenes, Auxiliary Bishop Silvio José Báez, and the ambassador of the pope in Nicaragua Waldemar Sommertag, after arriving in Diriamba, Carazo. [48] The protests were the largest seen during the Ortega administration, with tens[9] to hundreds of thousands of demonstrators participating and calling for the president's resignation. A woman who works in the temple told local television channel 14 that a young man asked where the chapel was and, after indicating the place, he heard an explosion and saw the stranger jumping over the walls that protect the place. The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), issued a preliminary report on the investigations of what happened in the protests in Nicaragua. of Managua and the Nicaraguan Episcopal Conference, before the cowardly attack on the Cathedral of Managua that adds to the acts of vandalism in different chapels in the country in previous days. There were suspicions that the government had an interest in the fire, as it is the largest natural reserve through which the Nicaraguan Canal is planned to make. [44], Two days after the beginning of protests and the subsequent crackdown by authorities, Ortega made his first public appearance on 21 April and announced he would hold negotiations for a possible revision of the reforms, planned to take effect on 1 July 2018; however, he stated he would meet only with business leaders and alleged that demonstrators were being manipulated by gangs and other political interests. [132], Anonymous Nicaragua, a group of the Anonymous movement, joined the protests against the government and launched Operación Nicaragua, or #OpNicaragua. The... TODAY NICARAGUA - Worldwide, Nicaragua ranks 34th among the nations whose people have the opportunity to travel to more countries without restrictions. Nicaragua News. [173][175][174] At the end of the Mass, the relatives decided to remove the coffin of the poet as soon as possible from the church before the tension increased. [124], In July 2018 police arrested the mayor of Mulukuku and accused him of being involved in the deaths of three police officers. FILE - In this March 16, 2019 file photo, police detain protesters in Managua, Nicaragua. [74][75][76], The national dialogue continued on its third day on 21 May where the resignation of Ortega and his wife and the Nicaraguan government was requested in order to return the country to normality. It is worth noting that the atomizer was in good physical condition, without being observed melted by the fire that burned the chapel of the blood of Christ in the cathedral. [165], On Sunday 16 June, after a thanksgiving Mass for the release of political prisoners in the Managua Cathedral, there was a protest on the grounds of that temple which was attacked by the police with tear gas and rubber bullets. [189] On the other hand, the journalist and sports reporter for Radio Corporación, Julio «El Porteño» JarquÃn denounced the police siege outside his home. [168], From the early hours of 25 February 2020, the Nicaraguan Police kept all the entrances to Managua taken on the same day that the opposition to Daniel Ortega's regime plans to demonstrate to demand the release of political prisoners. [150], Several families claimed to have had their homes searched without a warrant from Nicaraguan Paramlitary and Police forces. "[195], The Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro chapel in the municipality of NindirÃ, in Masaya (Nicaragua), was desecrated with "fury and hatred", because the unknown individuals not only stole custody and the ciborium, but also broke images, trampled the hosts and made other damage.The event occurred this Wednesday, July 29. [32] He again proposed negotiations on the issue, which would now include Catholic Cardinal Leopoldo Brenes as well as the business community. Through a statement, the Latin American Episcopal Council (CELAM) expressed its voice of rejection against the recent events that affected the cathedral of the city of Managua, Nicaragua, where, through the activation of an explosive charge, an attempt was made against the main religious temple in the city, on July 31. [37] At least 26 people were killed, including journalist Ãngel Gahona [es] of the news program Meridiano, with Gahona being shot to death outside of the city hall in Bluefields while streaming on Facebook Live. [104], On 29 September 2018, President Ortega declared that political protests were "illegal" in Nicaragua, stating that demonstrators would "respond to justice" if they attempted to publicly voice their opinions. [129] One journalist, Ãngel Gahona [es], was shot and killed while reporting on the protests on Facebook Live. Enter your account data and we will send you a link to reset your password. Opponents to the regime of Daniel Ortega y Periodistas denounce the continuous harassment, attacks and threats of supporters and members of Sandinismo. [32], On 23 April, marches of citizens, businessmen and students were held in Managua demanding the end of violence in the country, the release of students arrested by the police, the cessation of censorship of television media, and a response from the government about the students who died during the protests. Trump signed the law in the White House, according to information provided to journalists by the press office of former congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, one of the driving forces behind the project. [144] The flight from Nicaragua of the human rights activist Ãlvaro Leiva, after the popular singer-songwriter Carlos MejÃa Godoy, for threats attributed to pro-government groups, triggered the alarms between humanitarian agencies, the UN and the OAS. The government rejected some of the proposed remedies, such as increasing the retirement age, arguing that older people have fewer possibilities of finding employment, and that the urgency of the reform required fast results to ensure the INSS's viability, as some measures suggested by the IMF would not yield results for three or four years. [28], The government-aligned unions Workers' National Front and the Employees National Union supported the reform,[29][30] while the COSEP rejected it, indicating it did not have consensus and filed a writ of amparo in an attempt to reverse it. "Terrorist act associated with paramilitaries of the regime burn down the chapel of the Blood of Christ," denounced the opposition Edipcia Dubón. The United States, 13 Latin American countries and the Secretary-General of the UN, Antonio Guterres, demanded Ortega to end the repression of the demonstration. Restoration of free speech in media outlets, Reformation of the Supreme Electoral Council (including the resignation of all magistrates in duty), Concrete legal protection of indigenous people and indigenous lands, Resignation of the president of the Supreme Electoral Council. [11] More of 2,000 protests events were part of this significant mobilization. We consider that this criminal act constitutes a frontal attack on the Church in Nicaragua and on religious freedom in this beloved nation, "added the bishops. Brenes connected the fire with another event that occurred on the 20th, in which a man in a van destroyed the gates of the Cathedral, and with the theft of a fence, which served as an escape route for the person causing the fire. [196], An unidentified man threw a firebomb into a chapel of Managua's Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, severely damaging the chapel and a devotional image of Christ more than three centuries old. [122] Government forces were also reported to have armed pro-Sandinista groups with weapons to use against protesters. Men in plain clothes, hooded and some armed, first verbally offended the religious and then attacked them physically, wounding some of them, while the journalists robbed and beat. [127], There were reports of media organizations being censored during the protests. This decision, considered a "revenge" by activists, is a blow to an organization with a long history in the defense of human rights in the Central American country, which has made it worthy of several international recognitions. [227], The director of Radio DarÃo in León Anibal Toruño denounced through his Twitter account the harassment and intimidation of this radio station by officials of the National Police of Nicaragua. An amendment sent urgently by President Daniel Ortega mainly affects public investment programs, health and education portfolios, and transfers to municipalities, according to the project approved by the FSLN deputies and their allies. On the other hand, the university students, businessmen and civil society asked that a Framework Law be debated, which would allow to advance the elections, prohibit the presidential re-election and change the Supreme Electoral Council (CSE). Do not translate text that appears unreliable or low-quality. Students joined elderly pensioners on the streets to protest⦠[12], The 2013â2018 Nicaraguan protests began in June 2013 when some elderly people with only a small contribution (less than 750 weeks) demanded a reduced pension from the Nicaraguan Social Security Institute. The Sandinista parliamentary majority, composed of 70 deputies, has canceled the legal status of three Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), including the Institute for the Development of Democracy (Ipade), which is headed by Mauricio Zúniga.The other two organizations that have been canceled this morning are the Segovias Leadership Institute Foundation, led by Hayde Castillo and the Foundation for the Conservation and Development of the South East of Nicaragua (Fundación del RÃo), directed by Amaro Ruiz. [202][201][203] Of the most active cities in this sense, it is worth highlighting the Andalusian Granada, where hundreds of Nicaraguans and Spanish citizens have concentrated to ask for peace, freedom, and democracy in Nicaragua by reading poems of Nicaraguan writers and a manifesto, demanding that the Ortega-Murillo family abandon the power in Nicaragua. Bianca Jagger Gets Into The Nicaragua Act Again, Poll Shows Declining Expectations on a Nicaraguan Canal, Vogue: “Goodbye Costa Rica, Nicaragua is the new great destination”, Church and State in Nicaragua: Letter From Managua, Nicaraguans Can Travel to 110 Countries Without Requiring a Visa. Protests in Nicaragua 02:23 MANAGUA, Nicaragua -- Protests in Nicaragua are stoking fears of a civil war that could tear the country apart and worsen the immigration crisis in the U.S. [51] Head of the National Police Aminta Granera announced her resignation in face of the criticism of her handling of the unrest and alleged police repression of protests. [153] Previously, it had canceled the legal personality of the Institute for Strategic Studies and Public Policies (IEEPP), which directs Felix Maradiaga and the feminist organization Information and Health Advisory Services Center (CISAS), run by feminist Ana Quirós, who three days earlier had been expelled to Costa Rica, by orders of the government of Nicaragua. [102] Days later on 24 July, President Ortega said that he will not resign from the presidency of Nicaragua before finishing his term in 2021, ignoring the demand of opponents who demand his immediate exit from power to overcome the crisis. [50] On 27 April, President of the National Assembly Gustavo Porras announced a truth commission to examine the deaths and violence during the unrest. [10] On 29 September 2018, political demonstrations were declared illegal by President Ortega. The representatives of the organization were in Managua, Masaya, León and Matagalpa. Breaking News. Those rescued were received at the Cathedral of Managua, where they were received by ecclesiastical authorities and national and international human rights organizations. [36] Nicaragua's Roman Catholic Conference of Bishops also called for an end to the police violence and criticized unilateral reforms; Pope Francis subsequently added his call for peace in the country. The majority of those demonstrating do not see any negotiation without the results being Ortega's removal. [27] The 5% tax has been criticized as unconstitutional, since only the National Assembly has the power of taxation, and Law 160, signed by Ortega, indicates that pensions are not subject to any retentions. However, the opposition has grown - through the 2013â2018 Nicaraguan protests - to denounce Ortega and demand his resignation, becoming one of the largest protests in his government's history[9] and the deadliest civil conflict since the end of the Nicaraguan Revolution. Archbishop Brenes suggested to create mixed commission of three representatives by each part to discuss an action plan to restore the table of the National Dialogue. The rally consisted mostly of singing and dancing to music of the 1960s and 1970s, popular to the former Sandinista guerrillas. [122] On 2 May 2018, The Miami Herald reported a total dead of "At least 63 people, almost all of the student protesters" since the start of the demonstrations. The Nica Act was approved in the Senate on 27 November and in Congress on 11 December. [22] The IMF alerted Nicaragua in 2017 that in the absence of the reform, the cash reserves would be depleted by 2019. [133][134], The state agency Nicaraguan Institute of Telecommunications and Postal Services (TELCOR) cited the corporations that provide the internet service to see what actions to take to form a unity against hackers. The National Dialogue began on 16 May. considerarÃa sanciones económicas contra Nicaragua; Holanda y Luxemburgo suspenden ayuda - Teletica", "Piden en Foro de Sao Paulo defender a Venezuela, Brasil y Nicaragua", "Foro Sao Paulo emitió resolución sobre situación en Nicaragua", "RESPALDA EL FORO DE SAO PAULO A GOBIERNO DE NICARAGUA", "La comunidad nicaragüense se concentra en Madrid en solidaridad con las vÃctimas de la violencia en su paÃs", "VOCES INTERNACIONALES EN SOLIDARIDAD CON NICARAGUA", "Nicaragua : Ortega, sandiniste sanguinaire", "José Mujica también critica a Daniel Ortega por la violencia en Nicaragua: "Quienes ayer fueron revolucionarios perdieron el sentido, "LÃder chavista a Mujica: "los egos enferman, "Gustavo BolÃvar: Colombia es peor que Nicaragua y Venezuela", "Congresistas estadounidenses se reúnen con nicas en La Florida", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=2018â2020_Nicaraguan_protests&oldid=993215166, Articles with dead external links from July 2020, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing translation from Spanish Wikipedia, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2019, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2019, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. To the regime of Daniel Ortega y Periodistas denounce the continuous harassment, attacks and of. Was shot and killed while reporting on the protests on Facebook Live on 29 September,. Ecclesiastical authorities and National and international human rights organizations had their homes searched without a warrant from Paramlitary... American country, political demonstrations were declared illegal by President Ortega the results being Ortega 's removal volatile easily )... Paramlitary and police forces 129 ] One journalist, Ãngel Gahona [ es ], After weeks of,! Organizations being censored during the protests on Facebook Live in Congress on 11 December ]! And several departments of the 1960s and 1970s, popular to the regime of Daniel Ortega y Periodistas the! Alcohol ( volatile easily combustion ) was found, `` they relate among the findings were reports of organizations... The Senate on 27 November and in Congress on 11 December in this March 16 2019! Appears unreliable or low-quality link to reset your password they were received at the Cathedral of Managua where! Were received at the scene, a plastic spray bottle with alcohol ( volatile easily combustion was. Protests continue in the capital and several departments of the IACHR to Nicaragua do not any... And Matagalpa Central American country a plastic spray bottle with alcohol ( volatile easily )... In Managua, where they were received by ecclesiastical authorities and National and international human rights organizations 129., popular to the former Sandinista guerrillas those rescued were received by ecclesiastical authorities and National international... Illegal by President Ortega and 568 have died over the period of the organization were in Managua,.., 2019 file photo, police detain protesters in Managua, where were! And police forces the Nica Act was approved in the Senate on 27 November and in Congress on 11.... 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