US-Mining provides information on mines, operators, and minerals mined in Gold Beach, OR These companies indirectly buy nickel from mining companies in a long auto supply chain. Formal or informal mining district names. Nickel Mines in Baker City, Oregon. SMELTER ANNUAL CAPACITY 11, 800 M. T. SEE CUMBERLIDGE AND CHACE FOR GEOLOGIC MAPS AND ASSAY DATA. Nickel Deposits of North America By H. R. CORNWALL GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BULLETIN 1223 Geology, resources, and reserves of nickel sulfide and nickeliferous ... Mining of one deposit in Oregon was begun in 1954. Gold Beach, OR Nickel mines, mine companies, mine owners and mine information. Search for owners by first name, last name, company, location, etc. ITEM 2 GRADE CONT. Minerals or other materials present in the mine. Controls on emplacement of ore such as faults or other structural features. The data are dynamic and may change over time. SURFACE BLANKET DEPOSIT, FORMED BY TWO-STAGE LATERITIC WEATHERING OF PERIDOTITE ON FLATTER UPPER SURFACES OF MOUNTAIN. Baker 19 11 3 - 5 Curry 33 12 16 - 5 Douglas 6 - - 1 5 Grant 32 22 - - 10 Jackson 6 2 4 - - Josephine 98 30 43 - 25 Lake 1 - 1 - - Lane 2 - - - 2 Malheur 6 4 - - 2 Wallowa 1 1 - - - UPDATE BY GLENN L. SHAFFER-1/75, GEOLOGIC DESCRIPTION, PRODUCTION DATA, RESERVES AND POTENTIAL RESOURCES. Join our mailing list to get alerts for mine listing updates, new features, and special opportunities. Sulfides have long supplied the bulk of the global appetite for nickel. The one locality in the United States where nickel has been profitably mined is Riddle, Oregon, where several square miles of nickel-bearing garnierite surface deposits are located. Premium members have access to Google dynamic maps. CURRENT (2-84) ACTUAL COSTS ARE LESS (ABOUT $2. THESE DEPOSITS ARE SINOUS LENSES, 0-40 FEET THICK, T0-250 FEET WIDE, SEVERAL HUNDRED FEET LONG, AND COMPARATIVELY FLAT AT DEPTHS OF 250-400 FEET BELOW THE SURFACE. The site was first discovered in 1864 by Sheepherders. 500 ACRES OF DISCONTINUOUS MANTLE AVERAGING 50 FEET THICK BUT VARYING FROM 5-200 FEET TWO MAIN ORE BODIES, ONE ON TOP OF NICKEL MOUNTAIN CALLED UPPER DEPOSIT, AND ONE ON TERRACE ON SOUTH SIDE OF MOUNTAIN CALLED LOWER DEPOSIT. SOURCE OF COST DATA IS 1981 AND 1983 COMPANY TESTIMONY DURING BPA RATE HEARINGS. There is one known shaft. The Diggings™ makes no warranty, expressed or implied, including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, nor assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, reliability, completeness or utility of these geospatial data, or for the improper or incorrect use of these geospatial data. A lumber mill in Riddle, Oregon. by Kyle Vickstrom. Nickel ores develop from decomposition of rocks uplifted from the upper mantle of the earth and the largest exposure of thi… The data and maps may not be used to determine title, ownership, legal descriptions or boundaries, legal jurisdiction, or restrictions that may be in place on either public or private land. In 2017, it produced 190,000 MT, down from 204,000 MT in 2016.Some top-producing nickel mines in the country include BHP Billiton’s (NYSE:BHP,ASX;BHP,LSE:BLT) Nickel West assets, which produced 90,600 tonnes of nickel in the most recent financial year, and First Quantum Minerals’ (TSX:FM,LSE:FQM) Ravensthorpe mine. ORES ARE CLASSIFIED IN GROUPS: SOIL (RED AND YELLOW ), SAPROLITE (SOFT, HARD SAPROLIZED PERIDOTITE ), AND BOXWORK. Both are part of the PLSS measurement system but have different uses. Additional textual information about a site or mine. Nickel Mines In Oregon Total Prospects Occurrences Plants Producers. Mine handled by the Bureau of Land Management are not mapped by latitude and longitude, instead, these mines harken back to the Public Land Survey System. Environmental Impacts of Nickel Mining and Processing. Reserves: 19 million MTAustralia holds the highest nickel reserves in the world at 19 million MT, but last year it was only the fifth-largest nickel producer in the world. DEPOSIT REPORT. : 0. The mine closed in 1987. AND LABOR COSTS, AND CHANGES IN ORE PROCESSING TO UPGRADE SMELTER FEED, LED TO REOPENING. Nickel Mines in Creswell, Oregon. Riddle Formation; Riddle Formation; Riddle Formation; Dothan Formation; Dothan Formation; Dothan Formation; Dothan Formation, Former Water Table Related To Boxwork Ore; Joints Related To Depth Of Saprolite; Rock Fault And Sring Fault Related To Saprolite Formation, PARENT ROCKS RANGE FROM 0.52 TO 0.29% NICKEL AVERAGE CONCENTRATIONS (PPB) FOR 19 PGM SAMPLES: PLATINUM = 18.78, PD=22.19, RHODIUM = 11.53, IRIDIUM = 48.78, RUTHENIUM = 156.22, A Second Deposit, Considerably Smaller, Occurs In A Bench On Southeast Slope Of Mountain-Both Deposits Overlie Fresh Peridotite And Have A Well Developed Quartz-Garnierite Boxwork Zone; Laterite Occurs In Two Areas, The First And Largest Coverstop Of Mountain And Has Been Mined, mined ore, waste rock and pit reject. SOILS ACCOUNT FOR 20% OF ORE RESERVE AVERAGING 10 FEET THICK (0-40 FEET ). DEPOSIT COVERS UPPER PART OF NICKEL MOUNTAIN. This includes all past production and remaining reserves. RECOVERY OF SOME OF THIS MIGHT BE POSSIBLE IF THE PROCESS USED BY NATIONAL LEAD COULD BE APPLIED TO THESE ORES. Nickel Mines in Cave Junction, Oregon. Mine handled by the Bureau of Land Management are not mapped by latitude and longitude, instead, these mines harken back to the Public Land Survey System. These deposits develop from the mechanical and chemical breakdown of high temperature igneous rocks known as ultramafic rocks. Nickel is commonly present in two principal ore types—sulfide or laterite. As of 1984 there were two known tabular shaped ore bodies one of which extends 1,830 meters (6,003 feet) long, 915 meters (3,001 feet) wide, and 15 meters (49 feet) thick. PRODUCTION EXPECTED LATE 1989. The Diggings™ accepts no liability for the content of this data, or for the consequences of any actions taken on the basis of the information provided. INTERBEDDED SANDSTONE SHALE AND DOLOMITE; PRECAMBRIAN GRANITE AND RHYOLITE PORPHIRY CROP OUT AS PEAKS AND RIDGES PROTRUDING THROUGH UPPER CAMBRIAN SEDIMENTARY ROCKS THAT HAVE BEEN DEPOSITED UNCONFORMABLY AROUND THEM. Nickel ore was discovered Nickel Mountain in 1865 by sheep herders. Nickel Mines in Malheur County, OR. The Nickel Mountain Mine is a surface mining operation. 46% NICKEL. The Nickel Mountain Mine is near Riddle, Oregon. Browse mine owners by state in the United States of America, Browse owners by category (corporation, agency, private), Browse owners by interest relationship (partner, holder, agent, etc.). Hanna Nickel Mining Company in Riddle, Oregon. 2009000 do, deliverable nickel ore mined. Whether it is filing a mine or researching one, the administering BLM office is going to be the definitive source. 1 World-class significance is determined by total endowment of the contained commodity. MINING JOURNAL INDICATED 26 MILLION LB/YR MINED. THESE CHANGES WILL AFFECT PRESENT AND FUTURE INVESTMENT SCHEDULES. MINE IS CURRENTLY (2-84) OPERATING AT FULL CAPACITY, SMELTER AT 62 PCT CAPACITY. SCREENED AND SORTED ORE FROM THE MINE IS SOLD BY HANNA MINING CO. TO HANNA SMELTING CO ., WHICH PRODUCES THE FINAL FERRONICKEL PRODUCT, CONTAINING 52 PCT NICKEL. Nickel Laterites are composed of long tabular bodies, over several hundred meters, but only tens of meters deep. 4%. SOME BELIEVE THAT ABOUT 5 MILLION MT IN STOCKPILE. AMOUNT OF CO IN OLIVINE AND ORE NOT REPORTED. Red Flat officials said they wanted to determine the feasibility of building an open pit mine for nickel, cobalt, chromium and scandium. Nickel Mines in Josephine County, OR. RESOURCE ESTIMATES ARE FOR JAN 1975 AND ON SUBSEQUENT PRODUCTION HISTORY REPORTED BY USBM. These geospatial data and related maps or graphics are not legal documents and are not intended to be used as such. The Nickel Mountain Mine is near Riddle, Oregon. Discover mining activity in your area and find new regions of opportunity. 03 PCT. BOXWORK GROUP ACCOUNTS FOR REST OF RESERVE WITH AVERAGE GRADE OF 1. New Google Earth imagery provides a higher resolution view of the Nickel Mountain Mine near Riddle, Oregon approximately 2 decades after it closed, showing what is considered mine reclamation in Oregon. A “township” can refer to two different things. Learn about USGS mines. PRODUCTION COSTS ARE ACTUAL COMPANY COSTS IN JAN 1982 FOR FULL PRODUCTION LEVEL. 22/LB. In 2012, Red Flat Nickel Corp., a British mining company, proposed exploratory drilling within the North Fork’s watershed. Please consider becoming a … * Mine bounds on map indicate the general area that a mine occupies. A “township” can refer to two different things. But dwindling resources combined with the need to mine at greater (and subsequently less economic) depths to obtain sulfide ores has many miners looking at nickel laterites. Physiographic area where the resource is found. MINE AND SMELTHER WERE TEMPORARILY CLOSED FORM APRIL 1982 TO NOVEMBER 1983 OWING TO DEPRESSED NICKEL PRICES AND SHARPLY INCREASED PRODUCTION COSTS. The Nickel Mountain Mine is a surface mining operation. Mine operations consist of 2 distinct surface workings extending 1,493.71 hectares (3,691.04 acres). Nickel Mines in Wallowa County, OR. The Diggings™ is a resource for locating where mining claims are and have been. Discover mining activity in your area and find new regions of opportunity. Siskiyou Line - Southern Pacific milepost 540.3 – Cornutt, Oregon The short line is only about 1.5 miles in length, but hauled one hundred percent of the nickel smelted in the United States. NI WITH RECOVERY OF NEARLY 88 PCT. The data and maps may not be used to determine title, ownership, legal descriptions or boundaries, legal jurisdiction, or restrictions that may be in place on either public or private land. Mine capacity in 1982 was 6500 mt ore/day with a production unit cost of 6.29 $/mt ore. The nickel mountain is a nickel mine located in douglas county, oregon at an elevation of 2,904 feet.Premium members have access to google dynamic maps.Please consider becoming a member. The company's filing status is listed as Inactive and its File Number is 140342-84. The Diggings™ accepts no liability for the content of this data, or for the consequences of any actions taken on the basis of the information provided. Simply go to Google Earth [2] and do a search for “Nickel Mountain Mine, Riddle, Oregon.” The imagery is so clear you can see the boulders that have rolled down the steep terraces and pits left in the wake of … MINE LAMOTTE AND OTHER MINES OF SE MISSOURI LEAD DISTRICT HAVE SIMILAR ORE. A 1949 ESTIMATE INDICATED THAT ABOUT 600, 000 LBS. SEVERAL DEPOSITS INCLUDING THOSE WITH SIGNIFICANT AMOUNTS OF COPPER, CO, AND NICKEL MINERALS, OCCUR WHERE THE LAMOTTE SANDSTONE PINCHES OUT AGAINST THE PRECAMBRIAN PEAKS. SAPROLITE CONTAINING 1. Data from Mining Technology revealed that proven and inferred reserves in the initial mining area of the plateau have a total of 124 million tones, with an average of 1.48 percent nickel, and cobalt at 0.11 percent. CORNWALL (1966) REPORTED PRODUCTION RECORDS FOR THE FIRST 10 YEARS OF OPERATION, PLUS CONSIDERATION OF PRESENT CAPACITY AND MINIMAL REQUIREMENTS FOR PROFITABLE EXPLORATION OF A METAL DEPOSIT, INDICATE THAT THE DEPOSIT IS LARGE ENOUGH TO SUPPORT A PRODUCTION RATE OF 12, 000 MET TONS PER YEAR FOR A MINIMUM OF 30 YEARS. ONGOING CHANGES IN ORE PROCESSING AND NEGEOTIATION OF POWER RATES IN JUNE 1985 SHOULD CHANGE THE CURRENT COST PICTURE SIGNIFICANTLY. SMELTER RECOVERY IS 86 PCT. Oregon Nickel Mining Properties, Inc. is an Oregon Domestic Business Corporation filed on December 28, 1988. The mine closed in 1987. These geospatial data and related maps or graphics are not legal documents and are not intended to be used as such. Sulfide ores are typically derived from volcanic or hydrothermal processes and usually include copper (Cu) and/or cobalt (Co), and often precious metals such as gold (Au) or platinum (Pt), palladium (Pd) and rhodium (Rh) (the platinum group metals or PGMs) (Naldrett, 2002, Hoatson et al., 2006). Learn more about the Bureau of Land Management, Public Land Survey System, and mining claims. Both are part of the PLSS measurement system but have different uses. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, the metal mining industry is the largest toxic polluter in the United States, and the degradation resulting from the development of this resource is often irreversible. BENEFICIATION YIELDS SMELTER FEED GRADE OF ABOUT 1. 363000 metric tons/year, estimated mine production 6900000 metric tons. The ore mined is composed of chromite, spinel and chlorite with waste material consisting primarily of montmorillonite and chalcedony. SAPROLITE ACCOUNTS FOR 70% OF RESERVES. The deposits that have attracted the most attention are on Eight Dollar Mountain, Woodcock Mountain, and the ridge immediately west of O’Brien that some mineral reports call Rough & Ready Mountain. SINCE 1957, ANNUAL PRODUCTION HAS BEEN 10-13, 000 TONS; 1972 PRODUCTION FIGURES NOT AVAILABLE. Whether it is filing a mine or researching one, the administering BLM office is going to be the definitive source. Similarly, demand is expected to grow as a result of nickel’s use in lithium-ion batteries; nickel is used in the cathodes of lithium-ion batteries and al… This makes it the highest nickel content among global laterite deposits. The Klamath Mountains of the Pacific Mountain System characterize the geomorphology of the surrounding area. THIS SUBDISTRICT INCLUDES SEVERAL MINES SUCH AS MINE LAMOTTE, MADISON, HICKORY NUT, FLEMING, CATHERINE, RUTH. IN 1986-MAJOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT (WITH POOR RESULTS ), HIGH NICKEL PRICES ALLOWED MINE TO RE-OPEN MAY CLOSE IN 1-2 YEARS AS STOCKPILED ORE IS DEPLETED CO. MAY IMPORT ORE FROM NEW SEE NEXT FILE FOR PLANT DESCRIPTION. The mineralization at this location is from the Pliocene epoch 5.33 to 2.58 million years ago. Initial production took place in 1882 and overall output was considered to be large size. The tonnage thresholds are from the mine model grade-tonnage studies. OTHER NAMES: HANNA NICKEL MINE, RIDDLE MINE, RIDDLE NICKEL MINE, RIDDLE NICKEL LATERITE DEPOSIT IN EARLY 1979, THE COMPANY INDICATED CURRENT MINE GRADE WAS 1. Geologic structural features affecting or characterizing the site or mine. MANPOWER REQUIREMENTS AND ORE GRADE WERE BEING LOWERED, AND THE FINAL PRODUCT NOW INCLUDES ONE-HALF POUND IRON-NICKEL NUGGETS. Red Flat Nickel Corporation wants to develop two nickel laterite mines on thousands of acres of National Forest and BLM in Southwest Oregon. Tectonic setting in which the site or deposit is situated. The user is responsible to verify the limitations of the geospatial data and to use the data accordingly. The furthest advanced is the Red Flat Mining Project in the headwaters of Hunter Creek and the North Fork Pistol River. Historically the site has been part of the Riddle Mining District. LAYER (3) HAS HIGHEST GRADE. The presence of nickel ore in southwest Oregon has been known for more than a hundred years but it wasn't until the late 1940s that interest in these deposits escalated with notable spikes in exploration happening in the 1950s, 1970s, and 1990s.get price The nickel ores in Illinois Valley are located in a relatively narrow band extending in scattered patches for about 20 miles with the southern end near O’Brien and the northern end near Selma. Nickel Exploration in Oregon's Illinois Valley. Nickel Mountain Western Mining History. We receive lots of emails from people who find their name or a relative’s name on our site and want to know if this means they have some right to the land listed under that name. As of June 2008, many entries were classified as significant under less strict rules. ATTEMPTS TO RECOVER COPPER, CO, AND NICKEL HAVE FAILED BECAUSE OF METALLURGICAL PROBLEMS IN SEPARATING THE METALS. Nickel mining occurs through extractive metallurgy, which is a material science that covers various types of ore, the washing process, concentration and separation, chemical processes and the extraction process. Nickel Mountain. 78% NICKEL IN UPPER DEPOSIT AND 1. IT WASN'T WELL DESCRIBED IN THE MAS DATABASE. The mining method is bench (berm). 49% IN LOWER DEPOSIT. The Registered Agent on file for this company is Gary Firestone and is located at 1727 Nw Hoyt St, Portland, OR 97209. He earned his Masters degree from Oregon State University and works for the environmental firm CDM Smith on remediation projects in the Pacific Northwest, Rocky Mountains, and Midwest. Results of chemical or mineralogical analysis on materials at or near the site. 3 PCT NICKEL. The Riddle area was known for nickel mining, with several square miles of nickel-bearing garnierite surface deposits nearby. SOME OF THE PRODUCTION FOR YEARS (LIKE 1982-3) MAY BE CONCENTRATE. Natural hazards may or may not be depicted on the data and maps, and land users should exercise due caution. Site identification and general characteristics. Processes that concentrated or enriched the mineralization of the mine. The site was first discovered in 1864 by Sheepherders. Natural hazards may or may not be depicted on the data and maps, and land users should exercise due caution. NI) OWING TO REDUCED PRODUCTION LEVELS AND ASSOCIATED LOWER LABOR AND POWER COSTS. UPDATE BY GLENN L. SHAFFER-1/75, ADDITIONAL GEOLOGIC DESCRIPTION ADDED. Nickel Mines in Brogan, Oregon. Join our mailing list to get alerts for mine listing updates, new features, and special opportunities. Tesla currently sources nickel-cobalt-manganese (NCM) batteries from South Korea's LG Chem Ltd <051910.KS> and nickel-cobalt-aluminium (NCA) batteries from Japan's Panasonic Corp <6752.T>. Each commodity is considered separately and commodities cannot be combined to arrive at a significant size. ALL ZONES HAVE SOME NICKEL AND ARE MINED. A mine was not opened until 1891 and not mined commercially until 1954. These deposits consist of a predictable weathering profile that includes five “zones”: The un-weathered ultramafic bedrock, the weathered bedrock or “saprolite”, a clay-rich layer, limonite zone … FPX Nickel is a Vancouver-based junior nickel mining company developing the large-scale Decar Nickel District in central British Columbia. Browse mine owners by state in the United States of America, Browse owners by category (corporation, agency, private), Browse owners by interest relationship (partner, holder, agent, etc.). AMOUNT OF PRODUCTION UNKNOWN; LEAD DEPOSITS IN BASE OF BONNETERRE DOLOMITE AND TOP OF LAMOTTE SANDSTONE ARE LOCALIZED AROUND BURIED PRECAMBRIAN HILLS. Initial production took place in 1882 and overall output was considered to be large size. Information hosted on The Diggings™ is based on publicly available data through the Bureau of Land Management. THE NICKEL (AND CO) ORIGINALLY IN OLIVINE. ; INFORMATION SOURCE: 1 PUB LIT. Additionally, nickel is expected to see growth in demand as developing economies spur a greater need for stainless steel. Information hosted on The Diggings™ is based on publicly available data through the Bureau of Land Management. The Diggings™ is a resource for locating where mining claims are and have been. ABOVE FIGURES ARE MEASURED RESERVES; INFERRED MARGINAL RESOURCES ARE PROBABLY SEVERAL TIMES LARGER THAN THE MEASURED ESTIMATE. 07 PCT NICKEL IS CURRENTLY (2-84) BEING MINED AND STOCKPILED. Tesla doesn't disclose which nickel miners are in its supply chain. Go for efficiency and environmentally-friendly nickel mining at high volume. THREE LAYERS IN SOIL: BRICK RED SOIL (MOST CO HERE ), YELLOW LIMONITIC LAYER WITH SOME QUARTZ GARNIERITE BOXWORK, AND BOXWORK OF QUARTZ AND GARNIERITE IN NEARLY FRESH PERIDOTITE. 1973 MINE AND SMELTER OUTPUT WAS 11, 735 M. T. NICKEL, 1972 OUTPUT WAS 11, 900 M. T. NICKEL. CORNWALL (1966) REPORTED SEVERAL OTHER DEPOSITS IN THE KLAMATH MOUNTAINS, INCLUDING EIGHT DOLLAR MOUNTAIN, WOODCOCK MT ., RED FLATS, PINE FLAT MT ., AND LITTLE RED MOUNTAIN, CONTAIN AN ESTIMATED 45 MILLION METRIC TONS OF LATERITE MATERIAL, BUT THE NICKEL CONTENT IN ALL THESE DEPOSITS IS LESS THAN 1%. Because laterite nickel deposits are widespread, low grade, and shallow, strip mining is the only realistic method of obtaining this ore. Historically the site has been part of the Riddle Mining District. The Nickel Mountain is a nickel mine located in Douglas county, Oregon at an elevation of 2,904 feet. The data are dynamic and may change over time. The Nickel Mining Process. ; INFORMATION SOURCE: 1 PUB LIT. The company's principal address is 10 Rockridge Rd, Hillsborough, CA 94010 and its mailing address … THE DEPOSITS (OCCURRING AT OR NEAR FREDERICKTOWN ), THAT CONTAIN MOSTLY GALENA AND SPHALERITE HAVE BEEN AND ARE BEING MINED AT A PROFIT (THIS AS OF 1966 ), BUT ATTEMPTS TO RECOVER COPPER, NICKEL, AND COBALT FROM DEPOSITS WITH SIGNIFICANT AMOUNTS OF THOSE METALS, THAT IS, THOSE WITH CHALCOPYRITE AND SIEGENITE, HAVE FAILED DUE TO METALLURGICAL PROBLEMS IN SEPARATING THE METALS (CORNWALL, 1966 ). A Portland company is proposing mining of nickel in the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest, but the idea is drawing opposition from a conservation group. FPX Nickel Corp. 2020 Update* The companies stock has gone from .12 cents at the time of writing this article to .49 cents today. Learn more about the Bureau of Land Management, Public Land Survey System, and mining claims. The user is responsible to verify the limitations of the geospatial data and to use the data accordingly. OF CO IS CONTAINED IN THE LEAD ORE MINED ANNUALLY 2N THE DISTRICT BUT NO ATTEMPT IS MADE TO SAVE IT. Nickel Mines in Lane County, OR. IN EARLY 1986, THE MINING, TRANSPORTATION, AND ORE PREPARATION SYSTEMS WERE BEING CHANGED. Subject(s): Nickel mines and mining Oregon--Douglas County Oregon--Riddle: Date Created: [1965-1980] Title: 523 Hanna Nickel Mining Company (Riddle). AVERAGE GRADE OF ORE: 1. Nickeliferous laterite clearly appears to be the result of weathering under We receive lots of emails from people who find their name or a relative’s name on our site and want to know if this means they have some right to the land listed under that name. ** The mine central point is based on an average of the mine's bounding box(es) and does not necessarily fall on the claim itself. A nickel mining proposal by Cal-Nickel in the 1980s inspired the creation of the Smith River National Recreational Area by Congress in 1990, preventing all mining claims on federal lands in the watershed in California, but the current mining site in question lies in Oregon. For an detailed map, refer to the overseeing BLM field office. The Diggings™ makes no warranty, expressed or implied, including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, nor assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, reliability, completeness or utility of these geospatial data, or for the improper or incorrect use of these geospatial data. REDUCTION OF ELECTRIC POWER. ONLY DOMESTIC NICKEL PRODUCTION. Nickel Mines in Canyon City, Oregon. Search for owners by first name, last name, company, location, etc. Sulfides have long supplied the bulk of the geospatial data and related maps graphics... To determine the feasibility of building an open pit mine for nickel, 1972 was., many entries WERE CLASSIFIED as significant under LESS strict rules MIGHT be POSSIBLE IF the used... Our mailing list to get alerts for mine listing updates, new features, Land... Affecting or characterizing the site opened until 1891 and not mined commercially until 1954 at significant... 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