She is industrious. And now, my daughter, don’t be afraid. Dear Brothers, do you think it’s worth being with someone who’s lazy and who merely relies on you for provisions? Raising a family and taking care of a home is a lot of work. 23:22; Deut. She helps his spiritual growth and he helps hers. O çalışkan bir adamdır. ( Log Out /  #1 She is nurturing. She is level-headed about conflict. The Industrious Woman . SHE IS INDUSTRIOUS “The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish tears it down with her own hands.” (Proverbs 14:1) These would be small, but necessary items like wooden dishes, or soaps. Let’s relate this to relationships. She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness” (vv. They are mostly outspoken and energetic. And it takes a lot of industry to obtain this. Well, dressmaking is a good skill to have (I even included that in my personal bucket list of ‘How to become a good housewife 101’), but there’s much more to it that this verse offers as I will explain soon. I understand some people will advise for you to just wait for Prince Charming to get you. Second, masters and workers alike knew that they had to both “speed up” and “take their time” to turn out quality paper at the expected rate. Do you agree now ? We see this particularly in today’s passage, which lists the attributes of the excellent wife, focusing particularly on her industry, though her wisdom is featured as well. Why does the other person have to deal with your dramas?! 31:23). Our society perpetuates the idea that success can only be obtained in youth -- or, if it's obtained later in life, it's the product of years of linear, single-minded effort. In today’s fast-paced world, many of these human qualities are either low on priority or are forgotten by some people. Look for that person you want to spend your life building an intimate relationship with. There’s always something about it that you dislike or even abhor. But now I may have to declare that I am intrigued with a good romance. They are inevitable. But what about taking delight in things that you do? Proverbs 31 describes the qualities of a good woman and one of the things I use to determine whether or not I would consider a relationship with her. Benjamin Franklin's Character Traits. But this will never escalate if the couple communicate with each other with patience, love, and understanding. She develops her skills and then uses them to bless her husband and children. She … So, look for what you want. Constant complaining, negativism, pessimism, and dissatisfaction — these are not qualities of a cheerful worker at all — hence, you should avoid these attributes if you want to be an Ideal Woman. However, it’s often difficult to say with full conviction and optimism that you actually and sincerely love your job. Proverbs 31:16. Being a good woman isn’t about always putting others above yourself or giving in. 1 / 10. “She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. She is the picture of the domestic wife working hard at home and taking care of her husband, children, and home. The book of Proverbs is a beloved book of the Old Testament that contains many sayings of wisdom and godly living. And that’s something you should be grateful of. Will there be a day that you won’t complain or have at least no negative comment about what you’re doing? We can learn so many valuable lessons from the Proverbs 31 woman. But hey, if you’re sitting on just one place forever, what if your man is in a different place? Verse 13 highlights this by telling us that she “seeks wool and flax.” In the ancient world, women who became adept at spinning and weaving were highly admired, so the fact that she seeks after the raw materials that make it possible to produce textiles is a sign of her respectability. I usually read legal thriller/action/spy novels. The income of the household became dependent upon the quality and the quantity of everyone's work. She has good, refined tastes. She is generous to those who are not a part of her immediate household, no doubt in part because her industry has made it possible for her family to give abundantly to the poor. The mission, passion and purpose of Ligonier Ministries is to proclaim the holiness of God These qualities are known to be the true mark of a good human being. Again, there is nothing wrong with those things, but it is a matter of putting your priorities in order. 13She looks for wool and linen, and works with her hands in delight. And I do enjoy my life! In addition to her industry with respect to her family’s economic well-being, the excellent wife of Proverbs 31 also focuses on the world outside of her husband and children. You often wonder why some famous artists or singers take their lives even though they’re working on a career that they used to be so passionate about since childhood. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. But as I grew up, I know I may not get all the qualities in one man, except he is an angel in human form. Well, you can just start of with basic stuff — like sewing, crocheting, embroidery, etc. Her understanding and kind demeanor (v. 26) advance not only her standing but also the standing of others. You cannot find love within the four corners of your room, unless you only want to love yourself cos that’s the only person you will ever find stuck together with your isolated self. But in building relationships, you should be certain that you obtain the foundation to build it — just like wool and linen in making garments. Could you stand living with someone who constantly complains or argues, or who often emits a negative, dissatisfied aura most of the time — especially without apparent reason? It’s more about a woman’s ability to perform her duties and obligations not only in the workplace but also for herself, her spouse, and her household. Her wisdom and support have contributed to the standing of her husband in the city. You must delight and be happy that you’re able to open up with each other while helping each other out in solving problems. With this in mind, if you're a woman (or indeed a man) who wants to start your own business, read the following top 10 traits that I believe make a successful entrepreneur. It was rainy outside and slightly cold. Would you prefer someone who is industrious and cheerful in performing her duties and obligations not only at work but also with you as her loved one? She will not dangle the sake of your relationship over your head to get what she wants. In the ancient world, women who became adept at spinning and weaving were highly admired, so the fact that she seeks after the raw materials that make it possible to produce textiles is a sign of her respectability. I think being a woman has more to do with growing in wisdom and walking in Christ’s righteousness than age. Nothing else but LOVE. in all its fullness to as many people as possible. Look for your wool and linen. These we ask, through Jesus’ name, we pray. It’s more about a woman’s ability to perform her duties and obligations not only in the workplace but also for herself, her spouse, and her household. You want someone quieter, head to the library or in a park. Don’t just leave all the love-finding groundwork to men; you have to do your part cos it’s a two-way relationship between a couple (not just one person loving another one-sidedly). You have a doubt , look at businesses headed by women or just imagine a home with no wife/woman !!!!! I curled up on the couch wanting for a lazy day and started reading. But the good he did for his family, the community and for humanity at large outweighed the bad. Because she has a good reputation, he has a good reputation. His layered photographs condense the evidence of man and its … A: The word industrious is closely related to the word industry, used for the quality of being hardworking, "He was a quiet, gentle, and good person, organised and industrious. A good woman has a strong spiritual foundation and is equally yoked with her man. When was the last time you actually helped a person by making an extra effort from your side? - He is an industrious man. Moreover, woolen garments could be costly in the ancient world, so the woman who “seeks wool and flax” is contributing to an industry that can provide a substantial income for her family. Well, I mean, it’s okay to rant and vent just to unburden yourself of these “issues” every now and then — but not all the time, and absolutely not when there’s no actual reason behind it. Women, no less than men, should be encouraged in their giftings and to pursue whatever training is necessary to use these giftings for the good of the family, the church, and the world. So let’s start of with avoiding certain thoughts, words, or actions. She will not say “Marry me, or I leave,” and she will not try to force you to do anything in such a manner. Back to normal profile. She manifests the grace of hospitality. First of all, it is confidence which matters most, because now a days, we are living in the cut throat... 2. You know how the saying goes… “A man works from sun up to sundown, but a woman’s work is never done.” Women work hard. She is self-disciplined and orderly. You must be glad, and stop complaining to your friends about your difficulties with your significant other. She considers a field, and buys it: with the fruit of her hands she plants a vineyard. If you’re looking for a responsible man, don’t just tag along with your friends who says, “Come with me and I’ll introduce you to some of my friends,” and yet you’re heading to a gambling casino. The description of this excellent wife goes on for another 21 verses.1 She certainly is a remarkable woman. I had a long list of what I want in a husband. An Industrious Woman is by far my favorite book. That’s just too immature! This youth-obsessed conception of success is unnecessarily discouraging for anyone who doesn't find their passion at a young age. 1. - An industrious person will succeed in life. Your gift enables our worldwide outreach. It begins, \"An excellent wife, who can find? See more. Although the public good done by the excellent wife blesses those outside her family, that does not mean her family enjoys no public benefit from her. I like to communicate with different people. I think these traits are very important. Would you rather sit back and wait for opportunities to arise, or would you rather be proactive not only at work but also in your relationships? 10 Qualities To Look For in a Woman 1. To state the obvious — don’t expect for love to just come knocking at your door, opening the knob, barging inside your room, and seeing you there while you sit idly waiting. One of the most striking passages is the description of the ideal wife. Self-belief Don’t even think about nagging at him for no apparent reason and just blaming it on your monthly periods and hormonal changes. And that’s so unfair to the other party who is just as clueless as you. We all love a happy home. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Thus, if you really want to be in a relationship, you must work hard to make it a delightful experience for the both of you. About me . Third, women and adolescent workers toiled for wages in paper mills long before the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Thus, the excellent wife’s husband serves as a leader in his community, and he is well respected. First, the industriousness of the excellent wife is on full display in Proverbs 31. industrious student who always aspires to do her/his best, an attentive student of near average academic calibre, a hardworking student of excellent academic standard who possesses a genuine zeal for learning, an independent and steady worker of average/above average academic standard who shows interest in her/his work, a steady worker of average Hobbies and interests. DEVOTION TOWARDS HUSBAND & FAMILY.. Family or marriage life demands 100% commitments from both man & woman. Even if people were not working for an individual guild they could still supply and make items not controlled by the guilds. You can work hard and be diligent about it. Mr. Courtar was by no means perfect in all his doings. To... 3.GENTLENESS AND GOODNESS. So it can be a hard find. 9 Women Who Succeeded Later In Life. ( Log Out /  ( Log Out /  Dear Sisters, do you think you’re diligent and hardworking enough? Unfortunately, work has been negatively attributed to stress, pain and burden. It’s just unfair and irrational. She is shown as a non-lazy woman who works with willing hands, she brings healthy and nutritious food for … It is the desire of every woman to marry a husband material. Being industrious includes working hard with energy, devotion, and diligence. And that is a challenge for you if you want to be an Ideal Woman. Being industrious means “one is being diligent and hardworking in performing one’s work or tasks”. The woman of noble character serves her husband, her family and her community. Please forgive us if we tend to misuse these working hands that You blessed us with. I believe every effort is an expression of love. CONFIDENT. For her worth is far above jewels.\" (Proverbs 31:10). 26–27). But I have got more nice traits. The ample achievements of this industrious compatriot have helped to make Statia a better place today. What God Says About You: 8 Great Qualities of Women In The Bible. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. A. She had a plan, she was intentional. While it’s good to be industrious, a person must not feel forced or laboured when performing their duties. Follow Reflective Catholic on For some how they look physically is simply an expression and celebration of their internal beauty, but often those who are physically attractive are emotionally unattractive. Now, we’re at the fourth criterion of an Ideal Woman as provided under Proverbs 31:13. And what’s the ultimate building block of a relationship? She is constantly industrious. For permissions, view our Copyright Policy. It has been said that “behind every great man, there’s a great woman.” Indeed, the quality of a husband’s wife will inevitably have an impact on the husband’s reputation for good or for ill. Godly wives endeavor to act in such a way that their husbands are respected in the community. Don’t let her get away. I have a good sense of humor. Ideal Woman #4: She is industrious and a cheerful worker. Would you be more delightful and cheerful in everything that you do, or would you spend most of your time complaining, giving negative feedback, sulking over it, or expressing discontentment even over little things? Judges 4 Proverbs 12:4 Acts 9:36–43 1 Timothy 5:9–16. If you’re working on something — say a project — you should have an idea of what materials or instruments you need to build it. Thank You for Your constant support and guidance. Be proactive. [1] These traits are obtainable if you do not currently have them, by developing and sharpening your own industrious traits. While many hoped to work and have fun at the same time, there seems to be an invisible and indestructible wall that separates the two. She is virtuous because she is spiritually-minded. That means not acting like a lazy bum or a couch potato who’s sitting pretty and just waiting for things to happen or for opportunities to come forward. So if you have someone like that in your life, hold them close and never let them go. Let us seek to help develop these characteristics in the women and girls in our churches. Don’t even blame your self-proclaimed inherent lunacy as a woman with your mood swings whenever you argue with your loved one. These exponents have found to be Say, fixing snapped buttons, who knows. It’s not about having a perfectly spotless home or wearing the latest fashions. 7. Some time ago the following excellent paraphrase of this portion in Proverbs by William J. Krutza was used in The Sunday Times. In the ancient world, the elders met at the gates of the city in order to do business, settle judicial matters, and so forth. I am very caring, gentle, decent, strong, independent and understanding person. Even the first part of the verse says that the woman “looks” for wool and linen, and not just waiting for someone to send them right in front of her. Every godly husband knows the value of a wise and industrious wife, so it should not be surprising to find that this is the kind of wife that God commends in His Word. Dear Almighty Father, we adore You for Your great teachings in terms of industry and cheerfulness in the performance of our duties and obligation here on earth. I mean, you can fake a smile, creating this illusion towards yourself and others that you are enjoying your job or profession. Please guide us in our search for our respective significant other, and once we’ve found each other, please make us more delighted of being in a relationship with that person. Thus, an Ideal Woman should be a cheerful worker, who “works with her hands in delight”. The 10 Understated Qualities of a Truly Beautiful Woman. 9 Qualities of Confident Women. You must make an effort — even a toddler can do that much. NPS photo Ardent and Dutiful Charming, naturally sociable, and witty, Franklin drew people to him wherever he lived. Women are super natural creatures with magical hands and minds. Definition of industrious in English Turkish dictionary çalışkan. “She opens her hand to the poor and reaches out her hands to the needy” (v. 20), seeking to fulfill the Lord’s command not to forget the impoverished in her community (Lev. And you have to look for it proactively — not just waiting for it idly or it will just pass by without you realising it. Acting out, projecting it to someone else, or using someone as a scapegoat or a punching bag are behaviours only immature people do. What I’m saying is — KNOW WHAT YOU WANT, THEN START LOOKING. She is a sharp business woman. One who has ever had a chat with the UK mail order bride will without hesitation admit that they, unlike many other girls from distinct countries, are willing to meet in person fast. This woman cares about whether or not you’re happy in this relationship. I remember when I was still single. Amidst a busy industrious life, he took time to care for the well-being of his wife and children. You might have wondered why I didn’t say that an Ideal Woman should be a “dressmaker”, given that this Bible verse literally talks about wool and linen. Some hopefuls tried working with the hobbies they love but ended up hating it. In ancient times, it would be very expensive to buy raw materials directly from the shops, so you have to be smart and resourceful enough in procuring wool from the flock, or linen from the stalks of a plant. The Ligonier Ministries site requires Javascript, but you’ve got Javascript disabled. She actually makes an effort in finding these raw materials for the garments she need to sew. It indeed requires diligence and hard work to acquire these products — thus, having a good sense of industry is important. This was the perfect day for a good book. Don't train her merely because of the bride price you want to collect on her. I believe you’ve heard that relationships require an effort in both parties for it to work. Some of the most common traits of industrious people include efficiency, perseverance, and a strong work ethic. Futurity megahit hinges on springtime virtuousness and the center of bringing any dream to fruition is self-discipline. 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