FILM SUMMARY Decades after the fact, the Vietnam War occupies a dark space in the collective conscience. What was the purpose of Operation Rolling Thunder? What group organized resistance to Diem's regime? US protests and refuses to sell arms to Cambodia. When Kennedy became president there were fewer than one thousand U.S. advisers in Vietnam. Before long, however, Americans grew dissatisfied with America’s continued presence in Southeast Asia. Later, the army tried and failed to cover up the incident. Vietnamese revolutionary and communist Ho Chi Minh wanted freedom for the country of Vietnam. Fighting on one side was a coalition of forces including the United States, the Republic of Vietnam, Australia, New Zealand, and South Korea. In one of the most notorious episodes of the war, the 1968 My Lai massacre, American troops methodically murdered women, children, and the elderly. In what episode was it determined that the rings were Ancient Technology? Free elections had been promised and agreed to but they didn’t happen. By 1968, what was the primary schism in the Civil Rights Movement? Summary Brief Overview. Tensions between the two sides escalated over the years, leading to increased U.S. involvement during the 1960s… In a Summary of Vietnam war between communist North Vietnam and capitalist South Vietnam which commenced in 1964 and concluded in 1975.. This resolution allowed Johnson "to take all necessary measure to repel any armed attack against the forces of US and to prevent further aggression," this greatly expanded his presidential power. Fighting between Ho's forces and the French continued in this First Indochina war until 1954. Is it simply because of their skin color? The war in Vietnam wasn't about two separate countries. Vietnam War Summary—A Cold War Quagmire. The Geneva Accords of 1954 declared a cease-fire and divided Vietnam officially into North Vietnam (under Ho and his COmmunist forces) & South Vietnam (under a French-worked emperor). What was the Tet Offensive? What was the Gulf of Tonkin resolution? How do you think about the answers? The Vietnam War, was a Cold War-era proxy war that occurred in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia from 1 November 1955 to the fall of Saigon on 30 April 1975.. See the fact file below for more information on the Vietnam War or alternatively, you can download our 23-page Vietnam War worksheet pack to utilise within the classroom or home environment. Who was more historically significant: Julius Caesar or Margaret Thatcher? The North Vietnamese Army and the Viet Cong launched a massive campaign. Read on to know more about the infamous war. Why is it significant? You can sign in to vote the answer. The Things They Carried is a collection of twenty-two stories, or chapters. How did the US' foreign policy relate to an increased presence in Vietnam? Communists used sympathizers in the US to organize protests and marches against the war and eventually the public sentiment turned against the war. France exited, US entered, Chinese warned Vietnamese not to engage in war with US, US President Johnson lied to America about a gunboat firing on a US Naval vessel, US turned war into a political arena, never allowing military leaders to engage properly, often at the repeated loss of life over the same terrain, multiple times. The Vietnam War Questions and Answers - Discover the community of teachers, mentors and students just like you that can answer any question you might have on The Vietnam War In steps the US into the fray to stem this Communist advance across Asia, then Europe, Africa and finally the US. Johnson was given Carte blanche in the form. US sends troops to assist. The official position of the United States government on their involvement in the Vietnam War was that they were there at the request of South Vietnam to repel communist forces that were growing during the Cold War(Reaction to the War In the United States). The Vietnam War was brutal for the Vietnamese people; American troops treated them cruelly. • Teacher reference document: “A Short Summary of the Vietnam War”, attached • Optional: “An Overview of the Vietnam War,” Power Point; available in the Consortium’s Database of K-12 Resources (in PDF format) o To view this PDF as a projectable presentation, … Vietnam was a French colony. Was it justified for China to be imperialized by the US? Your thoughts? They lost a Vietnam War and were thrown out of Vietnam before America tried to win a war in Vietnam. The first of many reasons for Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam War was the domino theory. Before the War Prior to World War II Vietnam had been a colony of the French. Vietnam was colonized by the French and gained their "independence" in the late 50's, it was separated into two parts, the Communist North, and the democratic south. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Five American presidents sought to prevent a communist Vietnam and possibly a communist Southeast Asia. ? College kids don't want to be conscripted and protest war. 1964. A short summary of the story An Episode of War by Stephan Krane is that it is about a the struggles of wartime. Diem's regime proved corrupt, oppressive, and extremely unpopular. US stays out. Yes. Why were black people enslaved in the first place? Yes. It was fought in southern Vietnam and bordering areas of Cambodia, Laos and in the bombing of North Vietnam. 7-9 million Cambodians executed in cleansing. The communists ignored their promise and attacked numerous cities in the south. Well the US didn't do any better than the French and the Communist did not make it to America and neither will Al qaida from Iraq. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. So Ho began a campaign of terrorism against the south. Imperialism and Colonialism. Millions of refugees fled and the few remaining American troops and government workers were evacuated by helicopter. Why did they believe they would work? The new U.S.-backed leaders proved just as corrupt and ineffective. List both names for the organization. Still have questions? The US continued to Prop Diem up, fearful of the increasing Communist resistance activity in South Vietnam. Ultimately, the country was cut in half creating two states: North Vietnam and South Vietnam. The New York Times had a great article about Martin Luther King, Jr’s 1967 speech against the war in Vietnam, broadening his concerns from civil rights to the ongoing war in … After decades of French control, the country had secured its independence. Vietnam used to be French colony called Indo-China. The Vietnam War was a war fought between 1964 and 1975 on the ground in South Vietnam and bordering areas of Cambodia and Laos, and in bombing runs over North Vietnam. The author, Tim O’Brien is, himself a veteran of the Vietnam War. A character named Tim OBrien (same name as the author) narrates most of the stories. How is it related to the Creditability Gap? All focus on the Alpha Company and the fate of its soldiers after they return home to America. Eventually, the cost and the death toll turned Americans totally against the war and on April 30, 1975 the last American troops left Vietnam by helicopter as the soldiers of the communist soldiers of the north marched into Saigon. Covid19 reaches 3,000 deaths in one day, yesterday in the US. South Vietnam govt. In 1973, whe… The aim of the American war campaign—to grind down the enemy until the communists in the North agreed to abandon their bid for control of the South—was impossible. Truman and Eisenhower provided mostly funds and equipment. Why was it passed? Get your answers by asking now. It had always been his dream to reunite Vietnam into one country. Regardless of what you thought about the Vietnam war, the fact is 2,709,918 Americans served in Vietnam, representing almost 10% of their (very large) generation. Johnson ordered the U.S. Air Force & U.S. Navy to begin an intense series of air strikes. The Vietnam War began on November 1, 1955, and ended on April 30, 1975. Stargate SG1 question. The Communists invade South Vietnam, then it angered the Americans and then the Americans invaded Vietnam and the main part of the war started, both sides had many losses and then the Americans decided to go back home (it's not their war anyway). As a new country, its leaders were torn over how to run it. Martin Luther King, Jr’s 1967 speech against the war in Vietnam April 4, 2017. By 1972, the idea that Vietnam posed a threat to Cold War America was so discredited, it sometimes sounded as if America’s only remaining war aim was to … Many people in the US began to speak of a "credibility gap" between what JOhnson and the U.S. gov't was telling the American people and what actually was transpring on the ground. Some of the stories are true, and others are only partially true. However, the Allies all agreed that Vietnam belonged to the French. Beginning in 1954, Vietnam was a divided nation. The Vietnamese had enough of the French and with the help of the Chinese engaged the French in a war where the French were defeated at Dien Bien Phu by general Vo Giap. A Short Summary of the Disastrous and Bloody Vietnam War. 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The Vietnam war was one of the major conflicts of the twentieth century, and threatened to blow the Cold War into a full-blown nuclear conflict. The War of the Wall Questions and Answers - Discover the community of teachers, mentors and students just like you that can answer any question you might have on The War … The Things They Carried: Profile Summary The novel, The Things They Carried is a collection of short stories about life as a foot soldier in the Vietnam War. North Vietnam communist army invades uses Viet Cong guerilla forces. How did you people who were alive in the 80's find new places without a GPS? The legacy of former U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara is intrinsically tied to the events of this war, and in many minds his decisions during this time define him as a war criminal. The Vietnam War first began in 1959, five years after the division of the country by the Geneva Accords.Vietnam had been divided into two, with a communist regime in the north under Ho Chi Minh and a democratic government in the south under Ngo Dinh Diem.In 1959, Ho commenced a guerilla campaign in South Vietnam, led by Viet Cong units, with the goal of reuniting … Cross relates that he bumped into Martha after she got home, and that he still loves her although she doesnt love him back. Why was the Ho Chi Minh Trail significant? The Vietnam War has roots in Vietnam’s centuries of domination by imperial and colonial powers—first China, which ruled ancient Vietnam, and then France, which took control of Vietnam in the late 1800s and established French Indochina. The Vietnamese had enough of the French and with the help of the Chinese engaged the French in a war where the French were defeated at Dien Bien Phu by general Vo Giap. US reduces troop strength. For the Vietnamese, this was a war about one country with two warring factions, and the weaker of those two had essentially been created and certainly bolstered by the U.S. Scheduled maintenance: Saturday, December 12 from 3–4 PM PST. It was fought between North Vietnam (supported by the Soviet Union, China and other communist allies), and the government of South Vietnam (supported by the United States, the Philippines and other anti-communist allies). While some citizens believed that maximum force was necessary to quickly squash the opposition, others believed that the conflict in Vietnam was a civil … France owned the whole area for a long time, France has problems during WWII, brings many people back home, control loosens, Japan comes in and does their thing for some time, Ho Chi Minh asks US to tell France to leave them alone, US (Pres Eisenhower) says that France is our friend, and has a historical right to the place, Ho Chi Minh goes to communist China, and asks for their help, they agree, Vietnam is divided - north communist, democratic south, UN plans to hold elections, to put the whole country together, on whichever system is victorious in the elections, A study/estimate/intelligence predicts that the north communists would win the election, US arranges for elections to be cancelled, Other things too - presidential assasination, religious persecution, lots of stuff. Belew calls the Vietnam War “the first real test of an integrated army” for the United States. Through out the early 60's there was an increase of "terrorism" by North sympathizers living or smuggled into the South. After the French left and he couldn’t interest the US in opening relations, Ho Chi Minh of the north had decided to form a communist country. It was part of a larger regional conflict as well as a manifestation of the Cold War. French were driven out. Ho pressed for action against the south to coerce them into joining the north. Domino theory was a theory believed by many countries, the theory stated if one country fell under communist domination, its neighbours would fall like a line of dominoes. North Vietnamese take over entire country. The reality? Vietnam is a country in south-east Asia. When the war ended there was a power vacuum. 40% to 60% of those were either in combat, provided close support or were regularly exposed to enemy attack. When it became obvious the Chinese were assisting Ho, the government of the south asked the Allied countries for assistance. At this point 4 years ago the conspirators were already starting their coup attempt. Did it work? Purge begins. Start studying Student Notes: A Short Summary of the Vietnam War. A wounded Lieutenant still helps with his soldiers as he divides up coffee for his men. It is believed the US president didn’t wish to offend France by normalizing relations with Ho. Ran from North Vietnam- through Laos and Cambodia into South Vietnam. The fighting escalated until in 1968 there were about 550,000 Allied troops there assisting the south. The capitalist South Vietnam forces were assisted by troops from the United States, Australia, New Zealand, and South Korea. Vietnam used to be French colony called Indo-China. Cambodia falls to communist forces under Pol Pot. To this day Vietnam remains Communist. US withdrew for political reasons. backed y Kennedy, who sent green beret advisors to assist their army. A SHORT HISTORY OF VIETNAM Early Kingdoms Period of Chinese domination Medieval Feudal Dynasties French Colonization Indochina War ( 1945-1954) Vietnam War(195… Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. It didn’t matter that the Viet Cong has assassinated about 3,000 civilians during the Tet offensive of 1968 which was supposed to be a cease fire. What strategies did the US use in Vietnam? During World War II the Japanese took control of the area. US gets driven out. America also lost a Vietnam War. In March, 1975, the Communists broke their peace truce, attacking cities throughout South Vietnam. By the time the United States realized that the war was utterly unwinnable, it was already too late. In Love, Jimmy goes to visit the narrator, Tim OBrien, in his home in Massachusetts after the war. President John F. Kennedy and Viet Cong. There were a number of long-term and short-term reasons to explain why the USA became involved in Vietnam in the late 1950s. Viet Cong troops used threats and coercion against innocent civilians. C I A now looks to Columbia for illicit drugs for their US drug trade since golden triangle is no longer as accessible. People in the north favored communism, while people in the south were heavily influenced by the democratic West. Promising to withdraw U.S. troops gradually and hand over management of the war effort to the South Vietnamese. He has never forgiven himself f… In steps the US into the fray to stem this Communist advance across Asia, then Europe, Africa and finally the US. Why have none of these maggots been brought to trial? Vietnam War (1954–75), conflict that pitted the communist government of North Vietnam and its allies in South Vietnam, the Viet Cong, against South Vietnam and its principal ally, the United States. The Vietnam War (also known as the Second Indochina War and the American War in Viet Nam) was an outgrowth of conflicts between the colonizing French forces in Vietnam supported by Bao Dai's Vietnamese National Army (VNA) and the communist forces led by … Having protested against the war, director Are there any romantic black African ancient romances, in Europe. Vietnamese army and the French continued in this first Indochina War until 1954 by troops from the United States episode... Student a short summary of the vietnam war answers: a Short Summary of the South in what episode was it determined that the were... U.S. troops gradually and hand over management of the story an episode of War Stephan... Possibly a communist Southeast Asia over how to run it conspirators were already their! Ended on April 30, 1975 leaders were torn over how to it. Backed y Kennedy, who sent green beret advisors to assist their army covid19 reaches 3,000 deaths one. 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