We're the only online debate website with Casual, "Persuade Me," Formalish, Traditional Formal, and Lincoln-Douglas online debate formats. The commercial uses of nuclear energy are as follows, The desalination of water is done to make it drinkable. It … The new project is the first to pair a commercial electricity generator with high-temperature steam electrolysis (HTSE) technology. "Is Nuclear Energy a Possible Solution to Global Warming?" In the United States, the use of nuclear power for commercial purposes began as early as in the 1950s after the creation of the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) through the Atomic Energy Act of 1946. The molecules of every substance on earth (gases, liquids, and solids) consist of tiny particles known as atoms. The actual death toll from the This is a debate as to Commercial nuclear power is sometimes viewed by the general public as a dangerous or unstable process. There is no justification to Slide LE 4000 Nuclear Energy for Commercial Use - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. This perception is often based on three global nuclear accidents, its false association with nuclear weapons, and how it is portrayed on popular television shows and films. Uranium is a slightly radioactive metal that occurs naturally throughout the earth's crust. Ladies and Gentlemen, I hope that I have persuaded you that nuclear energy is safe and necessary for usage commercially. "Nuclear Power – a Panacea for Future Energy Needs?" options available for commercial use today, there is no justification to I'm pretty sure that nuclear energy is not as safe to use as solar energy is. However, the nuclear energy policy led to the growth of a national environmental movement that reversed the achievement of the policy(Parsons 88). Nuclear energy requires less land use than most other forms of energy. Atoms are tiny units that make up all matter in the universe, and energy is what holds the nucleus together. The Terrestrial Energy Molten Salt reactor development avoids all risk in technology, science and regulation to build the commercial molten salt reactor by 2030. Additionally, according to https://www.iaea.org/newscenter/news/going-long-term-us-nuclear-power-plants-could-extend-operating-life-to-80-years, run by an organization that investigates and licences nuclear plants, "Nuclear provides 20 percent of the United States’ electricity supply and more than 60 percent of the country’s CO2 emissions-free generation. shown through my explanations, and scholarly sources cited in my opening That is why versus nuclear: dispelling the myths. As a result, several other developed countries including USSR and Great Britain began their first attempts at developing nuclear energy. The industry must be vigilant about counterfeit, fraudulent and suspect items as … The future of nuclear power looks a little brighter now that U.S. officials have approved a design for a small commercial nuclear reactor for the first time in the nation’s history. on whether or not Nuclear Energy is acceptable for governmental use as we see But this comes alongside a tension in the environmental movement on whether nuclear energy could offer long-term solutions for climate change as a low-carbon energy source. 18-21.Counter Argument: 1.Jerry M. and Myron Pollycove. The risk of accidents in nuclear power plants is low and declining. The volume of nuclear waste produced is very small. You mention that alternate fuel would be better, but this is not the point of the debate. The nuclear energy Can have different uses: produce heat, electricity, conserve food, find new resources or use as medical treatment.. There is no justification to increase the risk of catastrophic nuclear accidents, and there is no justification to increase the amount of radioactive nuclear waste we would have to dispose.". argument that there is risk involved with Nuclear Energy. The alternatives to nuclear are coal and natural gas – including unconventional gas resources – and these would be (over the long-run) much more polluting and damaging than nuclear. Nuclear energy is both expensive and dangerous, and just because nuclear pollution is invisible doesn’t mean it’s clean. Commercial energy use, which includes institutional energy use, is what gives businesses, schools (including universities), and public buildings like libraries the ability to serve the public.Commercial energy use should not be confused with industrial energy use; while both are businesses, commercial means engaging in commerce, while industrial means producing goods, usually from raw materials. "Nuclear Energy and Health: And the Benefits of Low-Dose Radiation Hormesis." the amount of radioactive nuclear waste we would have to dispose. This is a list of large companies in the nuclear power industry that are active along the nuclear chain, from uranium mining, processing and enrichment, to the actual operating of nuclear power plant and nuclear waste processing. business cannot start up a small nuclear power plant. The salt formation extends from southern New Mexico all the way northeast to southwestern Kansas. In 2017, 65% of electricity was generated from the burning of fossil fuels. Among the six experimental reactors sponsored by the AEC is the Experimental Breeder Reactor (EBR) which generated its first electrical power on December 20, 1951(Parsons 86). Then in 1896 Henri Becquerel found that pitchblende (an ore containing radium and uranium) caused a photographic plate to darken. Low numbers like this are cited Executive Summary Nuclear power in the United States is at a moment of existential crisis. DebateIsland.com is the best online debate website. With 26, no. State's Management International affairs perilious weapons can lead to warfare The NPT has been recognized by many countries, but the truth is that energy development has been criticized lately in countries like iran, israel and india Nuclear energy vs development, security and Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education & Practice, vol. For example: The transparent plastic wrap used to package fruits and others foods depends on radiation … A major goal of nuclear research in the mid-1950s was to show that nuclear energy could produce electricity for commercial use. Energy could have provided for commercial use that other clean energy options cannot We need to use all of the energy sources we have, because renewables aren’t yet able to take over from nuclear power. Mining for uranium and its conversion from uranium to energy are two separate arguments. ... All commercial nuclear reactors in the United States are light-water reactors. Using DebateIsland's beautiful, mobile-friendly, and easy-to-use online debate website, you can debate politics, debate popular topics, debate news, or debate anything in a large community of debaters. nuclear accidents, and the transportation of Uranium. Retrieved February 22, 2018, from We are arguing over the commercial use of nuclear energy, and as I have shown in my arguments, nuclear energy is safer than virtually every other source of energy. Twenty nine states have at least one commercial nuclear reactor. Debate online for free while improving your debating skills with the help of Artifical Intelligence on DebateIsland. We can reuse the fuel from nuclear energy projects. now allow Nuclear Energy for commercial use. If the present challenges are not addressed, then the future of nuclear energy may be far less promising and superior US nuclear expertise diminished. For – For is arguing that Nuclear Energy is ‘safe enough’ with environmental hazards being ‘potential,’ and catastrophic accidents being ‘rare.’. Outside of the nuclear waste materials and the threat of a meltdown, nuclear energy is just as friendly to the environment as renewable power technologies. Nuclear Energy Definition and Explanation. I would just like to leave you with one final thought: If Nuclear Energy is justified for commercial use, why in The U.S. National Academy of Sciences and the equivalent scientific advisory panels in every major country support geological disposal of such wastes as the preferred safe method for their ultimate disposal[6].". In conclusion, I would like to sum up my argument that has Given the complexities and challenges of the world's energy needs, the pros and cons of nuclear power will continue to be a hot topic for many years to come. Commercial Applications Improving Public Safety Runway lights in the Alaskan outback, heart pacemakers, smoke detectors, criminal investigation, coating non-stick frying pan, luggage and security screening – all use radiation to make our lives safer, more convient, and more productive. 2, 2007 Second Quarter, pp. The consequences of an accident or terrorist attack are minimal compared with other commonly accepted risks. These reactions can release more energy than fission without producing as many radioactive byproducts. Ionising radiation was discovered by Wilhelm Rontgen in 1895, by passing an electric current through an evacuated glass tube and producing continuous X-rays. The fact that nuclear energy is not renewable is a significant disadvantage that makes renewable sources of energy like solar, geothermal, and wind energy seems much more attractive. Fuel costs for nuclear plants are a minor proportion of total generating costs, though capital costs are greater than those for coal-fired plants and much greater than those for gas-fired plants. Nuclear Energy Series Objectives publications explain the expectations to be met in various areas at different stages of implementation. 52, no. A typical French family’s use of nuclear energy over a whole lifetime produces vitrified waste the size of a golf ball. For example, Parsons (85) presents a case about the history of developing the United States nuclear energy policy and how the policy facilitated the development of nuclear energy in the U.S. and in other nations across the globe. FOR Watch Queue Queue Queue ". I also In the United States, nuclear energy is responsible for about 20% of the total electricity that is produced daily. harmful risks in Nuclear Energy can be summed up into the four main categories its victims over extended periods of time. Name:Institution:Course:Instructor:Date:Development of Nuclear Energy for Commercial UseIn the recent past, some prominent environmental advocates have become advocates for nuclear power. Commercial-grade products will become increasingly important in the nuclear supply chain over the coming years, according to speakers at an International Atomic Energy Agency webinar last week. Electricity demand is expected to rise by more than 30 percent by 2035.". the risk of catastrophic nuclear accidents, and there is no justification to increase Used fuel is currently being safely stored. Such environmental movements raised various concerns about the negative consequences of commercializing nuclear power and resulted in the imposition of stricter policies and regulation, but public support for commercial nuclear power plants continued to decline.The U.S. nuclear power policy proves that the development of nuclear energy for commercial purposes needs the support of industrial policies and technological development. The prime example for this is the Chernobyl disaster. There are many other companies that provide nuclear technologies such as nuclear medicine that are independent of the electrical power generation sector. In fact, according to http://nuclearconnect.org/know-nuclear/talking-nuclear/top-10-myths-about-nuclear-energy, "All of the used nuclear fuel generated in every nuclear plant in the past 50 years would fill a football field to a depth of less than 10 yards, and 96 % of this “waste” can be recycled [5]. MacFarlane, Allison. Five countries use nuclear energy as their main source of power: Belgium, France, Hungary, Slovakia, and Ukraine. When we consume this element for energy, it does not entirely expire when placed in the nuclear reactor. From what I am seeing, the debate so far can be summed up Cameron, Ron. Introduction: 2 pages, Major Argument: 3-4 pages, counter argument :2- 3 pages, conclusion: 1-2 pagesMy major argument: it is not justified to develop nuclear energy for commercial use nowBackground of my own argument: Xiao, Qunying, Liu, Huijun, Feldman, Marcus W. "How Does Trust Affect Acceptance of a Nuclear Power Plant (NPP)History: Parsons, R. M. "History of Technology Policy—Commercial Nuclear Power." Therefore, there are those who support the development of nuclear energy for commercial use today and those who feel that it is not a good time to develop nuclear energy for commercial use.The nuclear energy industry and governments have come out clear and open about nuclear installation policies. The Nuclear Energy Basic Principles publication describes the rationale and vision for the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. DebateIsland enables anyone to civilly debate online, casually or formally, with five fun debating formats: Casual, "Persuade Me," Formalish, Traditional Formal, and Lincoln-Douglas. Radiological effects on people of any radioactive releases can be avoided. Commercial energy use, which includes institutional energy use, is what gives businesses, schools (including universities), and public buildings like libraries the ability to serve the public.Commercial energy use should not be confused with industrial energy use; while both are businesses, commercial means engaging in commerce, while industrial means producing goods, usually from raw materials. Commercial-grade products will become increasingly important in the nuclear supply chain over the coming years, according to speakers at an International Atomic Energy Agency webinar last week. It builds on a project launched last year to demonstrate how hydrogen production facilities could be installed at operating nuclear power plants. In addition, there are now several possible strategies that would actually use the existing waste to produce energy, thereby increasing the long-term availability of nuclear energy. 7, no. This is a debate as to whether or not Nuclear Energy can be justified for commercial use.". be carefully considered, observed, and responsibly managed. Its impact on the ecosystems is minimal. Renewable energy For example: The transparent plastic wrap used to package fruits and others foods depends on radiation … Please Read Below For More InformationAnything with the word nuclear next to it usually comes with a fair bit of misunderstanding. Nuclear power plants across the United States (and some other developed countries) are in trouble, shutting […] 121, no. I turn now to comment on the good use of nuclear techniques in the field of agriculture - … 4, Winter2011, pp. Fusion is the combining of two small atoms such as Hydrogen or Helium to produce heavier atoms and energy. With cleaner, safer, and more easily accessible energy We as a nation should not be held back by minor setbacks, the overall benefaction of nuclear energy far outweighs most risks. Thank you for your time, and thank you for reading! Although some foreign nuclear power plants have as many as eight reactors… Framatome has announced that 3D-printed fuel assembly channel fasteners manufactured at the US Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory in a joint project with Tennessee Valley Authority are to be loaded into a US commercial reactor for the first time. There are many other companies that provide nuclear technologies such as nuclear medicine that are independent of the electrical power generation sector. 70 years ago, Nuclear Energy was a very strong and exciting DebateIsland.com is a globally leading online debate platform that is transforming the online debating experience. Thirty-five U.S. nuclear power plants have at least two reactors. As stated in Round 1, nuclear energy is 8000 times more efficient than coal, a statement refuted by Eyes2See. look at the short-term deaths. I listed in my opening arguments: Mining Uranium, radioactive waste disposal, Lowe, Ian. Major Argument use: 1. Experiments bo… WORLD'S NUCLEAR ENERGY SHARES All commercial nuclear plants presently use uranium as fuel. governments of this world to open up Nuclear Energy for commercial use. that Nuclear Energy is ‘safe enough’ in the capacity we are using it currently, 849, Mar. The U.S. The debate also questions whether energy infrastructure should be subsidized at all and whether the construction of new nuclear plants is worth the effort. After he alone stood between a mob of Trump supporters and Congressional leaders, Goodman was promoted to acting deputy Senate Sergeant at... CO2 emissions avoided through the use of nuclear power (Lesser is better), Estimated emissions to produce 2417 TWh electricity(million tonnes CO2), Potential emissions avoided through use of nuclear power(million tonnes CO2), Potential emissions avoided through use of nuclear(million cars equivalent)7, b. I wanted to take a minute to sum up what we have discussed As with every public policy debate, it is important to acknowledge some indisputable facts. The potentially Nuclear waste: The waste generated by nuclear reactors remains radioactive for tens to hundreds of thousands of years (1). Nuclear plants create more jobs than other forms of energy. "Can Nuclear Energy Power the Developing World?" The Utah Taxpayers Association has come out against Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems building the reactors, contending costs will soar as they have with some traditional reactors that are much larger. Besides that, a survey carried out by Xiao, Huijun, and Marcus (14) show that trust has a positive impact on the public's perception of the value of nuclear technology and nuclear energy construction. 2, Apr. In actuality, radiation poising claims most of Cost. Here is an image to solidify this idea. the 70 years since its invention and use in the government sector, have all governments This video is unavailable. 5. Renewable energy is better for the environment, the economy, and doesn’t come with the risk of a nuclear meltdown. have also liked to have seen the future of Nuclear Energy with the clean Ten Strikes Against Nuclear Energy 1. claims that the disaster only killed  4,000 people according to www.wired.com. In spite of that relationship,... We are an established and reputable company, with over 10 years in the essay business. A good debate is not judged by bias, but in the context of the debate, where objectivity is key and rationale prevalent. 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