I love spending time alone with my husband, and we … Let us here discuss the advantages and disadvantages of women education. One of the advantages of being a woman is that women are not required to have a great career. Awareness:Every citizen of civilized society should be made aware of the fact that a girl child is as important as a boy child. Girls’ schools champion the education needs of girls. 1950? Thanks, Kevin. cheerfulnuts from Manila, Philippines on August 13, 2011: Hi lzlpio90, you have very interesting (and funny) list here! Compared to the disadvantages of having a larger family, for the parents. Body, heart, and soul? Your child will become familiar with the interests of the opposite gender. It's very entertaining and informative as well. I'm bucking tradition and saying that this isn't a gender based advantage. Which do you think is better? "So, I am asking other hubbers to make the counterpart of this hub for your favor this time. It takes women nearly 16 months to earn the same pay that a man of equal education, position, and skill would earn in 12 months. Replies January 4, 2015 at 3:31 pm #1124. The advantage of being female includes a lot of things. Where is the feminism? Girls do not have to wear make up, shave their legs, take care of their hair, or carry around a purse if they don't want to. With the current economic status in the country undergoing changes, there needs to be a sustained awareness of bringing up the girl child with more care and love. For these parents, children and their relatives, the advantages of foster care adoption are immeasurable. Thousands of Arizona families have been built through the foster care system. Now, it's time to talk about what's been so good being a girl and its major drawbacks. I'm disappointed that you commented that perhaps women get paid less because we have lighter work. Being gender-neutral can increase your child’s awareness of identity and self-esteem. Women with at least some formal education are more likely than uneducated women to use contraception, marry later, have fewer children, and be better informed on the nutritional and other needs of children. As one can see from the above that having children has its advantages and disadvantages and it is a couple’s choice whether they want to look at advantages and have children or they want to look at disadvantages and remain childfree all their life. because they just are unfortunate enough for other people to ignore them (whether because they're around unfriendly people, or guys don't find them "attractive" enough to help). The older a woman gets, the more risky it is for her to have a second child. I will definitely add it to my list...XD. We can wear men's clothes without them calling us lesbians. Granted, women do have to take time off for biological needs, but it all depends on their education. Some female children also retain their family name, even in marriage, to preserve their father’s name. While this includes her education, there are some distinct advantages and disadvantages of parental involvement in … I am from india i wish that i can be a girl for whole life. If your future spouse does not have any siblings, then you are out of luck. Just give her a chance, and she will make you proud with her achievements. I feel the same some days, I only have the one (no plans for more) and hes exhausting, how do people cope with more!! I never realized that we have more advantages than disadvantages being a woman. 9. If you think I missed something, you can state and share it here and I will be glad to add them on the list, of course with your credits. 10. :D. @KevinC9998: thanks for dropping by and voting up!appreciate it! Many die from diseases which are easily preventable. Thanks! 1. hahaha. Women are afraid that men will kill them" I am not saying that all men are like this, most understand and respect that we are not a secondary sex.Women do not always do the lighter work than men, and i resent that you yourself accept that false notion. The statistics speak for themselves. That means that a child dies every two hours. Hillary Burton from UK on March 25, 2018: i have always wished i had been born a girl! 1. Being a boy or girl? If given the choice, my preference knowing what I know now would be to be a woman. Sometimes you just want to pick up your luggage and go. It was unique from other family planning policies around the world which focus on contraception, setting a legal limit on the size of a household in the country. don't worry, I'll give the credits! All-girls schools prepare students for the world beyond school by requiring outside research, encouraging them to connect ideas across problem domains, and challenging them to grapple with problems with no clear solution. Mentalist acer from A Voice in your Mind! Can anyone enlighten me and tell me the advantages of having a child, and, what on earth possesses people to have more than one! Thanks for sharing. Advantages of Foster Care Adoption. When the time comes demand all the painkillers you can get! Some 15,000 children die each year. Many of these points aren't even valid. If given the chance, would you choose being a boy or a girl? If she gets the right opportunity, she can provide economic support to the family and help them to come out of poverty level. She will take her mom’s side on every argument between you and your wife, because, hey!, girls versus boys. Having more children costs more money, making it harder to save for college. This is normally brought about by some unseen factors and the teenage girls due to the lack of the right decision making skills fall a prey to the curse of bearing the child even in the young age. I'm about to say that women are more vulnerable to groping, but then, I realized that men do get groped too! Single-sex programs…create an institutional and classroom climate in which female students can express themselves freely and frequently, and develop higher order thinking skills. She is fashion concious and knows how to dress herself. Children who get the freedom of such choice early in life are more likely to have … 10. :P, I am glad you enjoy... thanks for reading...XD. At girls’ schools, a girl occupies every role. More than 2/3 expect to earn a graduate or professional degree. Every six hours, a mother dies in child labour or from easily preventable diseases somewhere in this country. Here are just a few reasons to consider adopting from foster care: You provide a child with a permanent home. on November 26, 2011: "A girl's smile and a girl's tear can do anything remotely possible in this world", I guess, you girls do not anything else apart from this superpower! I'm going to share this with my facebook friends. As Margaret Atwood said, "Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. What do you think of that? It's quite tough to be a man. Helen of Troy's face launched a thousand ships. Very interesting article! Girls’ schools empower students to become bold leaders. Now, have you made up your mind? A study prepared for the U.S. Department of Education observed, “more positive academic and behavioral interactions between teachers and students in the single-sex schools than in the comparison to coed schools.”. 0 Girls’ schools engage students in activities that prepare them for life beyond the classroom. Ha! 2. i've added you suggestion to the list. A woman has every right to give birth to a baby. Advantage: Reduced Risk of Pregnancy. This is the most rediculou thing i have ever read. Being educated a woman can manage her home much more efficiently. Now that we know the advantages and benefits, it's time to open up the bad side and the disadvantages of being a girl. They start to help their parents in domestic chores such as cooking, fetching water, washing plates, washing clothes and dresses, ironing and mapping of floors. Firstly, female children are more useful to their parents than male children from the domestic point of view. Advantages of being a girl: You can wear any kind of clothes and any color of your choice without looking odd. There are lots of advantages and disadvantages of being a teenager, and a few are freedom, occupation, and finances. the women are the most beautiful creation of god without them there is no world, girls made the world beautiful.boys are nothing with out girls,they are like dogs on the street. Very cool website with some helpful information. What a long lists. Doing the other part(you know where..haha) could be more painful as well :D (crackers10). It is a matter of perspective. I'm a woman and I've seen many men that look gorgeous in women's clothes while women look boring in men's clothes. There are four less women a day or 1,300 women a year. For women and couples who don't want to have a baby, family planning reduces the risk of pregnancy. My DS has just turned two and every day is a battle at the moment! Syed Hunbbel Meer from Karachi, Pakistan. Girls’ schools provide an environment where students feel safe to express themselves and engage in an open and safe exchange of ideas. Girls’ schools create a culture of achievement. Students at all-girls schools have higher aspirations and greater motivation than their female peers at coed independent and public schools. :3. Faced with such social perceptions towards male and female questions, more people in Nigeria are trying to find answers to the question whether male children benefit the family more than the girl child. So how about you? Hunbbel Meer: Wow, really? I'm unconvinced that this is a real advantage to being a female. cheerfulnuts from Manila, Philippines on August 14, 2011: wow, thanks lzlpio90 for adding my suggestion! If we want to know the pros and cons of late marriage for women, the advantages in terms of personal growth outweigh the late marriage problems women often face. @sergs_pogi: hmmmnn, i think i would still prefer being a girl XD... thanks for the comment and sharing it... Hi. Men on girls clothes look like a complete idiot? Finally, one hubber had granted my request. Advantages and Disadvantages of Nokia 6. The studies link education with reduced child and maternal deaths, improved child health, and lower fertility. Women have better olfactory lobes – that is, they have better … Also, women are not inferior to men in any way, men who act like we are are afraid of women laughing at them. No other than mrpooper... After reading this hub, you may read the Advantages and Disadvantages of Being a Male this time...XD. There are also some notable advantages of women education. The pains one may feel physical, spiritually and emotionally. Women are better at surviving lower temperatures than men Image source Women have a thicker layer of subcutaneous fat... 2. Three advantages of being childfree: 1. Shaving your legs is a pain in the ass! Jackson I think there are way more disadvantages to having an only child, for the child. 17 Advantages Women Have In This World As Compared To Men 1. I am planning to do the advantages for boys/men too but, I know I'll be having a hard time doing it because I am not a man. Giving birth is like pooing a bowling ball. Programs at girls’ schools focus on the development of teamwork over other qualities of leadership, while the qualities of confidence, compassion, and resilience also ranked prominently. While things like periods and hormonal influences are largerly out of a woman's control, the monthly discomfort is far out weighed by the ability to create life. Hey! So far today, that's all I can think of. They don't need a car, and they don't have to have their own apartment. We can easily recognize, even by her appearance, a girl who has recieved good education. Are you happy and thankful being a girl? 1. Do you know how great we lie and can just bat our eyes, put on something sexy, say some cute things - Then pretty much get whatever we want! INSPIRATIONAL ENVIRONMENT. Advantages Larger groups – children can learn from more than one child, and learn in larger group situations. mjane24 from panabo city on November 23, 2011: hi,nice articles its kind a funny.enjoy here. Cmon this is ridiculous. Source: National Coalition of Girls’ Schools, The Coakley Center for Innovative Learning, Principles of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus. check it out! or you are still the other way around? Girls’ schools champion the educational needs of girls as a group underrepresented in STEM majors and careers. Women empowerment:The women need to be empowered. Men, on the other hand, need a stable job, a gorgeous car, an apartment, and the list goes on. Girls’ school students are mentored by a community of peers, teachers, and school administrators. What time do u live in? An advantage that most teenagers have is freedom. [See the full post at: The Only Child Advantages] Creator. All-Female Advantage – Holy Child. Helped me a lot with my homework :) Thanks. 6. 3. Education: Education raises the consciousnes… Multiple caregivers – children can learn from more than one person, more caregivers are available to the child, caregivers can help support each other. Literally meaning ‘Educate the Girl Child, Save the Girl Child’ the Beti Padhao, Beti Bachao Scheme is an ambitious scheme of the Government of India which is intended to generate massive awareness, improvement of quality of welfare services for females and … Men don't care about these things when choosing a wife/girlfriend. Over 88% of girls’ school students report they are comfortable being themselves at school, which means they are free to focus their energies on their learning. Hi thanks for additional information! I like this hub. Sexual reproduction has many advantages and disadvantages to consider from a scientific standpoint. No matter how hard you try, you will never get that sibling bond that everyone else has. However, parents cannot manipulate every aspect of their child’s life, as that is unhealthy and counterproductive. Did you happen to wish even one single moment in your life that you should have become a boy? Anyways, it becomes a great shock to know that the women have become pregnant in their early or late teens. on August 10, 2011: Either way,you'd still have to be a good kisser:-)). Girls’ schools capitalize on girls’ unique learning styles. Parents will likely not be able to spend equal time with each child. @crackers10: Check out your idea as well... it's funny!LOL. An only child has less of a chance to spoil any little kids that are not his or her own. That's not true. this one is very interesting and entertaining XD do you mind if I repost this in my blog? I guess men and women are becoming more and more equal these days. It's not that chivalry's dead, it's that common courtesy and consideration seems to be under the norm. They feed on the dominant feeling they get from putting themselvescin a position of power. More than 80% of girls’ school grads consider their academic performance highly successful. A woman can even choose not to create life. Below is the list of advantages and disadvantages of being a "GIRL". Unless a male foetus is abnormal it is not aborted. You may want to be involved in every facet of your child's life. Having a child is a great strain on the body. Bikini Wax.Pain in the...well you know where. Also, there are times I hate waiting for a man to do something. All-girls settings seem to provide girls a certain comfort level that helps them develop greater self-confidence and broader interests, especially as they approach adolescence. Wear white shirts with pink skinny... You can wear men's clothes. That's so sweet of you.. Nice and thank you.. Shaving! Are you glad being who and what you are? When you have a child, her development is of the utmost importance to you. No free drink is worth dealing with some guys. Saves time :). Female or male. 2. Tall, handsome men can leverage appearance just as much if not more than a woman can. You have time for self-care and for other relationships. 15 benefits of being an only child Roxii Hoare-Smith Thursday 30 Mar 2017 4:18 pm Share this article via facebook Share this article via twitter Share this article via messenger When practiced regularly, it can improve brain power, help to fight off disease, and make those practicing it … And some girls do get stuck carrying heavy loads, fixing their flat tires, etc. Females have a wonderful self-support system. With just a tear and a smile? The Effects of the Mother’s Employment on the Family and the Child; Working mothers – Australian Institute of Family Studies; As a coin has two sides, the concept of the working woman also has many advantages and disadvantages. You have enough time for self-discovery. Let's broaden our mind girls! The one child policy was part of the birth planning program implemented by China in the 1970s to control the size of its national population. Single-sex programs…create an institutional and classroom climate in which female students can express themselves freely and frequently, and develop higher order thinking skills. As for having men pay, it depends on the guy and girl. It is their individual choice to support the patriarchal industry that you are feeding off of. Advantages Of Late Marriage For Women. Family planning decreases the number of pregnancies for teens and for … Like letting men pay for things when out at a bar. Being female in a world which is continuously changing and demanding could be very difficult at times and very easy in some cases. The overwhelming majority of girls’ school students agree to strongly agree that they feel supported at their schools: 94.6% feel supported by their teachers, 89.9% report feeling supported by other students, and 82.8% feel supported by their school administrators. There you go! Girls’ schools champion the education needs of girls. A normal female foetus is suffocated and life snuffed out. Pain in the ASS! Thelma Alberts from Germany and Philippines on December 26, 2011: Very interesting hub and funny, too. In states of Rajasthan and Gujarat child marriages are common. It's a pain, really. Girls’ school students strive for greatness. I do agree, though, that we girls do get to wear a larger variety of clothing, but our gender-specific clothes tend to be way too pricey--well, most feminine products are more expensive than those of men. Some of these made me laugh but I would definitely not go for others. I will add your comment on the list... yeah,,, why did i forgot that! From the age of two, female children begin to show traits of industry. It’s important to know the ‘self’ before deciding to share your life with someone else. SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING & MATH (STEM). The girl child is a blessing of God. A nice idea right? Voted up. For example, when used correctly, birth control pills are over 99 percent effective and condoms are 98 percent effective at avoiding pregnancy, according to Planned Parenthood 1. Licensing – done by state agencies, potentially safer but does not insure quality. Voted up. What the fuck? Genetic diversity can be created, but the process is uncertain and somewhat unpredictable. They are as equally important to society as those women who sacrifice part or the whole of their career for child rearing. lol, Advantages and Disadvantages of Being a Male this time. crackers10 from DreamWorld on August 09, 2011: How about shaving our legs? External variables certainly play a factor into how the child chooses gender conformity. I cringe at your ideas and i don't think you know what your doing. Much ado is made over female sex appeal. Topic Viewing 3 replies - 1 through 3 (of 3 total) Author. Girls’ school grads are 6 times more likely to consider majoring in math, science, and technology compared to girls who attend coed schools. Hey, GIRL! Even though it is great being an only child, I wish I could have had a brother or sister. If parents’ have it in their head that their child must be a certain way, then gender conformity will feel like a failure. I say no at times because I just want to enjoy a night out without interruptions. Thanks cheerfulnuts for your comment. Then, if you won't mind, you can give me your link to connect our articles. To being a woman can you just want to be empowered feel,..., potentially safer but does not have any siblings, then you out...... 2 need a stable job, a gorgeous car, an apartment, the! Engage students in activities that prepare them for life beyond the classroom environment. Moment in your life that you should have become a boy or a girl: you wear!, Philippines on August 10, 2011: hi lzlpio90, you will never get sibling... 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