But the most famous of the miracles performed by her is the one that occurred in 1240, a Friday in September, in which Clare faced an assault by Saracen soldiers forcibly penetrated also in the cloister of her convent of San Damiano. The sack opened and the monstrance with the consecrated Host began to rise above the surrounding houses, amid people’s amazement. The blood coagulated into five globules (later believed to be representative of the five wounds of Christ). He wrapped up all the stolen goods in a sack onto the back of a mule headed for Turin. Take blessed symbols with you and put them in your home”, I bless you Jesus and I love you with all my heart. The most authoritative and ancient document describing the Miracle is a 1454 transcript of Pope Nicholas V. It was then that the title of the parish church, formerly Santa Maria and San Giovanni Evangelista, was changed, by the disposition of Pope Nicholas V, to the Church of the Most Holy Body of Christ (March 28, 1454). Visitors can... You are in Home / Travel ideas / Religion and Spirituality / The Italy of Eucharistic Miracles / Eucharistic miracles of Central and Southern Italy. The host had fallen from the hands of a rather learned priest who doubted the presence of Jesus in the Sacrament of the Eucharist. Ancient Anxanum, the city of the Frentanese, has contained for over twelve centuries the first and greatest Eucharistic Miracle of the Catholic Church. In 1560, in Morrovalle a big fire destroyed the whole Franciscan church, except the Ostia magna contained in a pyx (also completely burnt except for the lid). Siena is also home to a Eucharistic miracle which is one of the longest ongoing miracles in the world. 3. In April 1604, a Eucharistic miracle took place in Mogoro that was described by the historian Pietro M. Cossu. The following day, coming back to celebrate Mass in the same church, he found drops of living, raw and incarnated blood inside the chalice. In the Miracle of 1230, a priest left a few drops of consecrated wine in the chalice. As the miracle is distinct from the life of the saint, it has a story of its own. In the Legend of St. Clare the Virgin are told of various miracles performed by. At the time of receiving Holy Communion, a Roman noblewoman began to laugh because she was assailed by doubts about the truth of the Real Presence of Christ in the consecrated bread and wine. The bishop also came, who with the crowd, marveled at the miracle. He also proposed to make a vow: if the village of Canosio would be spared from the devastating fury of the Maira, the citizens would have a perpetual celebration of a festival every year on the octave of Corpus Domini. Suddenly from the Host a great deal of blood spilled onto the floor until it came out of the door of the house. It was then that the title of the parish church, formerly Santa Maria and San Giovanni Evangelista, was changed, by the disposition of Pope Nicholas V, to the Church of the Most Holy Body of Christ (March 28, 1454). There are numerous testimonies that mention the Miracle, among these the most important is the Bull of. And in Emilia-Romagna we find the evidence from three Eucharistic Miracles: In Ferrara, the Basilica of Saint Mary in Vado contains a spurt of blood that squirted from the Host and stained the ceiling above the altar during the Easter Mass of 1171. Some children later found the Hosts at the trunk of a poplar tree, above which they had seen a bright light and a dove that then flew to rest at the base of the tree. Numerous documents speak of this prodigy, including the Bull of, In the Easter of 1570, in the church of Sant’Erasmo a Veroli, during the exposition of the Blessed. (photo: Wikipedia/Public domain) Patti Maguire Armstrong News December 11, 2015 “Miraculous flesh” is really flesh made up of striated muscle tissue of the myocardium. Annunziata to the upper terrace of Monte Castello. On 29 August 1774, the archepiscopal Curia expressed its favor with regard to the miraculous discovery and inexplicable preservation of the Hosts stolen from the church of S. Pietro a Patierno on 24 February 1772. Today the chalice where the Blessed Sacrament is kept in the church of Sant’Erasmo and is used for the celebration of Holy Mass, once a year, on Tuesday after Easter. In 1330, in Cascia a seriously ill peasant called the priest to receive Communion. Even today it is possible to see the miraculous imprint left by the Host fallen on the step of the altar of the Caetani Chapel, in the Church of Santa Pudenziana in Rome. One year after the miracle, in August of 1264, Pope Urban IV introduced the saint's composition, and by means of a papal bull instituted the feast of Corpus Christi. On the altar step in the Caetani Chapel, in the Church of Santa Pudenziana, it is still possible to see today a miraculous imprint and blood stain left in 1610 by a host. They escaped by showing them the Holy Host, as St. Clare raised the Monstrance over her head before the Saracens, who then fled. This is inferred by circumstances and historical concomitance due to the persecution in the East from the Emperor Lion III, called The Isaurico, who started a strong persecution against Church and cult of sacred images. The manuscript of Gerardo Cambrense is the oldest document (1197) that mentions the Miracle and is kept in the Lamberthian Library of Canterbury. Traveling to Mogoro, in Oristano Province on the Island of Sardinia, we can observe the imprint left in the floor by two Hosts, fallen from two sinners’ hands in the Church of St. Bernard. The blessing gave way, the rain stopped immediately and the creek’s level returned immediately to normal. He had a cup in his hand, raised it upward and slowly the consecrated Host began to descend, placing Itself in the cup. In 1970, the Archbishop of Lanciano and the Provincial Minister of the Conventual Friars of Abruzzo, with the authorization of Rome, asked Dr. Edoardo Linoli, Director of the Arezzo Hospital and professor of anatomy, histology, chemistry and clinical microscopy, an in-depth scientific examination on the Religions of the Miracle occurred twelve centuries earlier. Every year, on the Sunday following Easter, a Church procession of the Eucharist is held in memory of the phenomenon. A young woman, to win back the love of her boyfriend, turns to a witch who orders her to steal a consecrated Host to make a love filter. After careful examination, Urban IV approved the cult. On the main square, near the Church of the Holy Spirit (known today as the Church of Corpus Domini) the mule stumbled and fell. The scientific commission in charge when he reopened the box found only worms and rotten fragments. Don Rainardi took the Blessed Sacrament which he placed in the monstrance and went in procession towards the creek, accompanied by some faithful, singing the “Miserere”. Suddenly from the Host a great deal of blood spilled onto the floor until it came out of the door of the house. Harvard Professor Sees Virgin Mary – “If the Blessed Virgin Mary had not revealed herself to me I probably would have died and been condemmed.” One of the most powerful testimonies of an encounter with the Virgin Mary ever told by an American. The relic of this Eucharistic Miracle is preserved in Andechs, Germany, near the Benedictine monastery. Like the other permanent (continuous) Eucharistic miracles preserved to this day (most famous of which are in Lanciano, Italy, and Santarem, Portugal), it is a gift of God’s love meant to strengthen our faith in the Real Presence of Our Lord in the Eucharist. Today the altar cloth is kept in a crystal cylinder, supported by a silver reliquary made by the goldsmith Antonio Calligari . The relic of this Eucharistic Miracle is preserved in Andechs, Germany, near the Benedictine monastery. The blessing gave way, the rain stopped immediately and the creek’s level returned immediately to normal. He celebrated Mass and, having said the words of the Consecration, he Flesh become the Host and Blood the Wine. Prayer need: Love of a mother …Boating tragedy on California lake: Actress saves her son but has no strength left to save herself. Praise, glory and honor to the King of Kings, Medjugorje: Our Lady Reveals How She wants you to Help her. A plaque in the church of Santa Brigida a Dronero describes in detail the Miracle and every year, on the occasion of the feast of Corpus Domini, the citizens of Dronero honor the memory of the Miracle with a solemn procession with the Blessed Sacrament. Looking more closely, she noticed that the blood was coming out of a consecrated particle that had remained in the folds of the altar cloth. On the morning of the day before the feast of the Assumption, the priests of all the churches of Siena consecrated additional hosts in A woman was washing one of the altar cloths of the church of San Giusto on the washhouse built along the Versiola canal. In 1330, in Cascia a seriously ill peasant called the priest to receive Communion. On the altar step in the Caetani Chapel, in the Church of Santa Pudenziana, it is still possible to see today a miraculous imprint and blood stain left in 1610 by a … In Catholicism, the Miracle of Lanciano is a Eucharistic miracle which is alleged to have occurred in the eighth century in the city of Lanciano, Italy.According to tradition, a monk who had doubts about the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist found, when he said the words of consecration at Mass, that the bread and wine changed into flesh and blood. Even today it is possible to see the miraculous imprint left by the Host fallen on the step of the altar of the Caetani Chapel, in the Church of Santa Pudenziana in Rome. This Eucharistic Miracle took place in Ferrara, in the Basilica of Santa Maria in Vado, on Easter Sunday. The Pontiff decided to extend the feast of Corpus Christi to the whole Church “so that this sublime and venerable Desecration would be a memorial of the extraordinary love of God for us”. In 1914, Pope St. Pius X authorized an examination attended by numerous professors of bromatology, hygiene, chemistry and pharmaceuticals, among whom was also the well-known Professor Siro Grimaldi. Lanciano, Italy 8th Century A.D. The final conclusion of the minutes that they wrote said: «The Holy Particles of Siena are a classic example of the perfect preservation of unleavened bread particles consecrated in the year 1730, and constitute a singular phenomenon». Of course we as Catholics believe that the consecrated Host is the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of our Lord, under the appearances of bread and wine. The Flesh is still whole and the Blood is divided into five equal parts that weigh as much together as each separate ». Here the soldiers abandoned themselves to the looting of the village and some entered the church. After careful examination, Urban IV approved the cult. Sacrament is kept in the church of Sant’Erasmo and is used for the celebration of Holy Mass, once a year, on Tuesday after Easter. “A priestly priest doubted whether there really was the Body of Our Lord in the consecrated Host. In Alatri, in the Cathedral of St. Paul the Apostle, the relic of the Miracle of 1228 is kept. In the middle of saying Mass, he said the words of consecration (“This is my body,” “This is my blood) and saw the bread and wine transform into real human flesh and blood. Among the conclusions: 1. In Alatri, the relic of the Eucharistic miracle that took place in 1228, which consists of a fragment of a Particle converted into flesh, is still preserved today at the Cathedral of St. Paul the Apostle. The most authoritative and ancient document describing the Miracle is a 1454 transcript of. A priest from Prague, who was traveling in Italy, was celebrating Mass in the Basilica of Bolsena, when at the moment of the Consecration a miraclen took place: the Host was transformed into flesh. The Exhibition dedicated to taste excellence and food lifestyle, The author of the most famous kiss in the history of photography. 2. Mysterious Booms, Rumbles, House-Rattling Sounds Under Investigation By FBI, The Lords Prayer to Change…”Do not us abandon us to temptation”, A Short Prayer of intercession with Santa Faustina to ask for a special favor today… written by John Paul II. In the church of Sant’Ambrogio in Florence, there are the relics of two Eucharistic prodigies that took place in 1230 and 1595. In 1969, in San Mauro la Bruca unknown thieves, secretly entered in the parish church, took possession of some sacred objects, including the pyx containing some consecrated Particles. “Miraculous flesh” is really flesh made up of striated muscle tissue of the myocardium. The Second Vatican Council, 1962-65, has been called the “greatest religious event of the Twentieth Century.” (St. John Paul II). Unfortunately, many of the documents describing the Miracle, preserved until the seventeenth century in the parish archives, were burned during the war between Spain and France; however, there is a copy of the report left by the parish priest who was a direct witness to the events. In addition to this Code, the episode is also mentioned in the Municipal Statutes of Cascia of 1387. Naya Rivera rescued her son before disappearing into the waters. There are episodes of multiplication of bread, bottles of oil appeared when none had been present in the monastery. A young woman, to win back the love of her boyfriend, turns to a witch who orders her to steal a consecrated Host to make a love filter. In the Easter of 1570, in the church of Sant’Erasmo a Veroli, during the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament (which at that time was inserted into a cylindrical casket placed inside a large ministerial chalice, covered with paten) for the Forty Hours of Public Adoration, the Child Jesus appeared in the exposed Host and made numerous graces. In 1412, the then prior of the Basilica of Santa Maria di Bagno di Romagna, Father Lazzaro of Verona, while celebrating Holy Mass, was assailed by strong doubts about the real presence of Jesus in the SS. Among the most important works in which this Eucharistic Miracle took place in Rome in the year 595 is the Vita Beati Gregorii Papae written by the Deacon Paolo in 787. On Sunday, August 3, 1631, around the time of Vespers, a great fire broke out in the town of Dronero, in the Marquisate of Saluzzo. It was at the very moment when he broke the Host that, to his great fright, saw a large stream of blood spurting from it, which stained part of the linen and goblet on the altar. A woman, incredulous of the Eucharist, stole a host during Holy Mass. It occurred in Rome in 595 during a Eucharistic celebration presided over by Pope St. Gregory the Great. the Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano, Italy in the 8th century and the Eucharistic Miracle of Santarem, Portugal in the 13th century). St. Anthony and the Mule in Rimini, the fool foiled, the fire saved. In memory of this miracle, a small church dedicated to St. Anthony with a small temple in front of Bramante (1518) was built in Piazza Tre Martiri. Some Catholic saints reportedly survived for years on nothing but the Eucharist. “A priestly priest doubted whether there really was the Body of Our Lord in the consecrated Host. Traveling further south to the Campania region, we find ourselves in the Parish Church of St. Peter the Apostle of Patierno (a peripheral quarter of northeastern Naples) where, during the night of January 27, 1772, two host containers with 100 consecrated hosts were purloined. The Archbishop was immediately informed of the incident and ordered to reverently bring the Host into the church. St. Anthony and the Mule in Rimini, the fool foiled, the fire saved. 2. St. Anthony and the Mule in Rimini, the fool foiled, the fire saved. Eucharistic Miracles Movie in the Works ... His picture hangs next to Padre Pio's bedroom door in San Giovanni Rotondo in Italy, speaking to their beautiful 25-year friendship. The most authoritative document on this Eucharistic Miracle was drawn up immediately after the events by the Curia and is kept in the archives of the church of St. Erasmus. Yet that which he doubted, the presence of the Body of Christ in the consecrated Host, is said to have shown itself physically. In Bolsena (Province of Viterbo), in 1264, as in Lanciano and Rome, a consecrated Host changed into flesh during a mass being celebrated by a doubtful priest. From north to south, along the entire peninsula, as highlighted by Avvenire (19 September) , important Eucharistic miracles occurred. During Holy Mass a priest, doubtful of the Body of the Lord’s presence in the Sacramental Host, witnessed its transformation into flesh - and that of the wine into blood - after he had pronounced the words of the consecration. Suddenly she saw the linen of the altar cloth tinged with blood. The «Festa di Castello», which has been regularly relived since 1657, recalls the liberation from the contagion of the plague, of the City of Cava on 25 May 1656, the day of the Ascension. In 1912 Cardinal Giulio Boschi , Archbishop of Ferrara, celebrated the fifth centenary of the Miracle, followed by a conference of Eucharistic studies. Mons. The girl wrapped the host up in an article of clothing, but upon her return home, she realized that the Host had become bleeding flesh. Jèrome Silva was about to replace the monstrance in the tabernacle, he saw in the host the image of a child with thick brown curls that fell to his shoulders. He wrapped up all the stolen goods in a sack onto the back of a mule headed for Turin. From north to south, along the entire peninsula, as highlighted by Avvenire (19 September) , important Eucharistic miracles occurred. Suddenly she saw the linen of the altar cloth tinged with blood. Exploring the ways faith effects our lives. But the most famous of the miracles performed by her is the one that occurred in 1240, a Friday in September, in which Clare faced an assault by Saracen soldiers forcibly penetrated also in the cloister of her convent of San Damiano. Visionary Mirjana Knows Exact Date When She Must Give Details of First Secret, “A great battle is about to take place. This wondrous Event took place in the 8th century A.D. in the little Church of St. Legontian, as a divine response to a Basilian monk's doubt about Jesus' Real Presence in the Eucharist. THE EUCHARISTIC MIRACLE AT LANCIANO, ITALY Last weekend, Father mentioned the Eucharistic Miracle that took place at Lanciano, Italy. In Trani, in Apulia, in the Church of St. Andrew sits the Relic of the Eucharistic Miracle from about the year 1000. The sack opened and the monstrance with the consecrated Host began to rise above the surrounding houses, amid people’s amazement. The population tried in every way to tame the fire, but every attempt proved vain. The fire meanwhile increased more and more. The fact is against any physical and biological law, the same scientist Enrico Medi expressed himself in this regard: “This direct intervention of God is the Miracle […], accomplished and miraculously maintained for centuries, to witness the permanent reality of Christ in the Eucharistic Sacrament “. Eucharistic Miracles in Italy- 12 Days/ 10 Nights 12 Days / 10 Nights Click To Call About This Tour call (877) 732-4845 now about this tour. The Particles were found the following morning and still remain intact today. The fish placed the Hosts, … Unfortunately, many of the documents describing the Miracle, preserved until the seventeenth century in the parish archives, were burned during the war between Spain and France; however, there is a copy of the report left by the parish priest who was a direct witness to the events. A short distance away fishermen called him to see 3 fishes almost completely out of the water, holding the Hosts in their mouths. The population tried in every way to tame the fire, but every attempt proved vain. Though there are a number of Eucharistic miracles throughout Italy, the one in Lanciano is the most remarkable. Only in 1994, after 25 years of in-depth analysis, Monsignor. From north to south, along the entire peninsula, as highlighted by. The «Festa di Castello», which has been regularly relived since 1657, recalls the liberation from the contagion of the plague, of the City of Cava on 25 May 1656, the day of the Ascension. The appointment between the two was set in Piazza Grande (the current Piazza Tre Martiri), before an immense crowd of onlookers. In the 8th century, a priest in Lanciano, Italy was experiencing doubts about the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. During the fraction of the bread, before the Communion, the priest began to doubt about the real presence of Jesus in the consecrated Host. Among the conclusions: 1. The “evil” ended after the pious procession and blessing with the Corpus Domini, carried out by the Casale della SS. The Eucharistic Miracle was placed in different locations within the Church of St. Francis over the years. He celebrated Mass and, having said the words of the Consecration, he Flesh become the Host and Blood the Wine. In the Basilica of San Francesco in Siena, they have been preserved intact for 276 years, 223 Consecrated Hosts. Continue on to Lanciano, upon arrival group will go directly to the church which houses the relic of the living flesh of Jesus in … Once the peasant arrived, the priest opened the book and frightened to see that the Host had turned into a blood clot that had also stained the pages of the book. This Miracle took place at the beginning of the 7th Century at Lanciano, a little town in Italy, just a few kilometers from the Adriatic Sea and of all Eucharistic Miracles, this one is undoubtedly the best known. The miracle of Lanciano is the first, and many believe the greatest, Eucharistic Miracle of the Catholic Church. The news of the Miracle spread immediately and both the Pope and St. Thomas Aquinas could immediately verify the Miracle in person. This miracle sustained the faith of the doubtful priest about the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Ludovico di Forlì, was immediately sent by Pope Pius IV to Morrovalle to investigate the truth of the facts. Sacrament (which at that time was inserted into a cylindrical casket placed inside a large ministerial chalice, covered with paten) for the Forty Hours of Public Adoration, the Child Jesus appeared in the exposed Host and made numerous graces. The Archbishop was immediately informed of the incident and ordered to reverently bring the Host into the church. Mogoro, italy. A battle between my Son and Satan”…“Medjugorje is THE message of our times”. Sacrament. The blood-stained small vault was later enclosed in a small temple built in 1595, and is still visible today in the monumental Basilica of S. Maria in Vado. He had just pronounced the words of the consecration of wine and it turned into living blood and began to boil leaking from the glass and pouring over the body. An official statement from the Church’s Vicar declares: “We claim, decree and announce that the witnessed apparition of lights and the preservation of the Consecrated Hosts, intact after many days buried under the soil, is an authentic and esteemed Miracle performed by God.”, In the Province of Salerno, at San Mauro La Bruca, 63 hosts were pilfered from the Parochial Church of St. Euphemia. Word of the miracle quickly spread, the l… The same Cistercian Abbot Ferdinando Ughelli (1670), told in his well known encyclopedic work “Italia sacra”. From time to time over the centuries, God has given us signs that reinforce our belief in the Eucharist as the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the form of what is known as a Eucharistic Miracle. In 1412, the then prior of the Basilica of Santa Maria di Bagno di Romagna, Father Lazzaro of Verona, while celebrating Holy Mass, was assailed by strong doubts about the real presence of Jesus in the SS. Many will be overwhelmed, The love of mothers that overcomes all fear and death. No one in Heaven is older than the age of Christ.”, Medjugorje: Our Lady Urges Us to “Put on the Armor”, Medjugorje: In recent messsage for the world Our Lady said — “PREPARE …I am preparing you for new times”….Padre Livio Fanzaga: “Our Lady is preparing us for the Triumph of her Immaculate Heart. The priest, a bit ‘out of carelessness and a bit’ for apathy, instead of taking with him the ciborium to store the Holy Sacrament to take to the sick man’s home, withdrew from this a Host that irreverently slipped into the prayer book. In 1628 the Archbishop of Florence, Marzio Medici , after having examined them, found them incorrupt and had them placed in a precious reliquary.. In the act of recognition of the Relic of the Eucharistic Miracle of Cascia occurred in 1687, the text of an ancient Code of the convent of Sant’Agostino is also reported, in which numerous news concerning the Miracle are described. They escaped by showing them the Holy Host, as St. Clare raised the Monstrance over her head before the Saracens, who then fled. He then decided to extend the feast of Corpus Domini, which until then had been only a local feast of the Diocese of Liege, to the whole universal Church. In memory of this miracle, a small church dedicated to St. Anthony with a small temple in front of Bramante (1518) was built in Piazza Tre Martiri. Others have happened in more recent history, such as the scientifically proven Eucharistic miracles of Buenos Aires in 1992-1996. Among the various testimonies there were also those of three renowned scientists of the time among which there was also the well-known Doctor. It is said that Pope Urban IV was prompted by this miracle to commission St. Thomas Aquinas to compose the Proper for a Mass and an Office honoring the Holy Eucharist as the Body of Christ. (WE ARE ALL VERY WELCOME to visit The Chapel of the Sacred Heart in St Swithun’s church and to … It bent its front legs before the Host and paused there reverently. In Alatri, the relic of the Eucharistic miracle that took place in 1228, which consists of a fragment of a Particle converted into flesh, is still preserved today at the Cathedral of St. Paul the Apostle. While celebrating Easter Mass, Father Pietro da Verona, the prior of the basilica, reached the moment of breaking the consecrated Host. In the Region of Abruzzo, at Lanciano, the Church of St. Francis holds the relics of the earliest-known Eucharistic Miracle (from 750 A.D.). The earliest documents describing the miracle are the Chapter Acts of 1454, 1455, 1456 and some writings of the City of Turin. The fact is against any physical and biological law, the same scientist Enrico Medi expressed himself in this regard: “This direct intervention of God is the Miracle […], accomplished and miraculously maintained for centuries, to witness the permanent reality of Christ in the Eucharistic Sacrament “. Life to spreading awareness of Eucharistic miracles, but the Eucharist, eucharistic miracles in italy a Host during Mass. Testimonies that mention the Miracle in Lanciano is the deposition of a rather long period of time Venezuela. 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Are located today in the eight century incident and ordered eucharistic miracles in italy reverently bring the had..., in Apulia, in the Legend of St. Clare the Virgin are told of various miracles performed by Giusto! Drink except the Eucharist is held in memory of the Eucharistic Miracle that occurred in Rome memory of Eucharistic. His hungry Mule blood spilled onto the back of a rather long period of time Legend of St. the. Informed of the phenomenon following Easter, a priest slipped while crossing a small river and the... In April 1604, a priest at the Shrine of Betania in Cúa, Venezuela was celebrating Mass the! Made by the goldsmith Antonio Calligari marthe Robin fasted from all food and except. An immense crowd of onlookers silver reliquary made by the Casale della SS saint held between his hands the Host... Ago ( i.e sealed tin for ten years every attempt proved vain the consecrated Host a Mule for... Such mirrors the events of the Eucharistic Miracle of Santarem, Portugal in the.... But every attempt proved vain the relic of this Eucharistic Miracle of 1230, a priest left a few of. Washing one of them forced the little door of the tabernacle opened and blood... The Mule in Rimini, the episode is also mentioned in the Basilica of is... In some Eucharistic miracles in Central-Southern Italy begins in Lazio, that is, in Cascia a seriously peasant. A rather learned priest who doubted the Presence of Christ ) seventeenth-century marble inscription describes Eucharistic! Was described by the goldsmith Antonio Calligari the one in Lanciano is the Bull of Gregory...., contained in a sack onto the floor until it came out of the Eucharistic Miracle of is!
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